Ella Koon is recovering from Bell's Palsy

Ella Koon is recovering from Bell's Palsy

15 Oct – Hong Kong singer Ella Koon recently revealed that she is now 90 percent recovered from Bell's Palsy, which previously distorted half of her face.

According to Mingpao News, the singer, who attended a promotional event for 2014 Hennessy Artistry concert recently, revealed that she is finally able to control the movements of the right side of her face, though her mouth is still crooked when she laughs.

"But I don't mind, it has no effect in my daily life," said Ella.

The singer also expressed her gratefulness to be one of the few who recovers faster, unlike most cases that take at least six months for full recovery.

"I am really lucky. Plus, a lot of people also expressed their sympathy for me whenever I stumbled across them on the street. It gave me a warm feeling," she enthused.

Ella also revealed that she and a friend will be opening a clothing store next year, after the success of their online jewellery business.

(Photo source: chinatopix.com)