Natural home remedies to prevent acne and pimples

Acne is a frequent complaint and can have several underlying causes. According to experts, salicylic acid, niacinamide, or benzoyl peroxide treatments are the most effective. But numerous non-conventional therapies are highly valued and appreciated by those who don't like their medicinal odour. Hence most individuals choose to use natural approaches instead of pharmacological methods of treatment.

Treating the root cause of acne is often the best approach to curing pimples and preventing more pimple breakouts. For many people, this isn't an easy task. Acne is a natural occurrence in our teenage years and early twenties, but it can plague us into adulthood, and even in some instances, adulthood.

Treating the root cause of pimples is the best way to stop acne before it starts, so if you are suffering from pimple breakouts, here are a few of the best ways to get rid of them:

Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar
apple cider vinegar

Many people are not aware of the fact that you can apply apple cider vinegar to cure acne. Unadulterated apple cider is formed by allowing the cider to ferment for some time in a special apple-based or brewing cider press. Contrary to vinegar, it's common knowledge. A grapefruit seed extract has a diverse capacity to combat types of bacteria. Cider vinegar has been believed to contain organic acids, like citric acid, that can be used to get rid of acne and pimples. It has also been demonstrated that lactic acid, a form of acetic acid present in apple cider vinegar, may indeed improve the look of skin damage.

Zinc Supplements


Zinc supplements work by helping the body's immune system - which is essential in preventing infections - act more efficiently. A necessary input for cell proliferation, hormone, metabolic health, and immunity and the development of the immune system is zinc. Several studies have also concluded that zinc lozenges (zinc tablets) have some success in treating acne. Zinc oxide has 80% of the zinc, with a higher percentage of other elements mixed in. Because of this, zinc supplements can help to prevent infections from occurring in the first place.

Honey cinnamon face-mask

recipes for home-made cosmetics made from honey and cinnamon
recipes for home-made cosmetics made from honey and cinnamon

Apply honey and cinnamon mask to cure acne and pimples by scrubbing the mixture on your face for several minutes. Honey has powerful antibacterial properties, which helps in purifying your skin. Moreover, cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce redness and inflammation on your skin. Both these ingredients help to reduce the growth of bacteria on your skin. As a result, your skin gets protected from acne and pimples.

Tea-tree oil for spot treatments


You should use tea tree oil for spot treatment over pimples and acne. The ingredients in most spots treatments just don't work. They either dry out your skin or kill it. Because it's shown in published scientific studies to have antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory abilities, it is commonly used to treat skin conditions. Please note that tea tree oil is highly concentrated, so liquefy it just before implementing it to your face and neck.



When people hear about green tea, they think of it as a refreshing beverage that helps you lose weight! This is because green tea has some benefits, but there are many more than just those. Green tea can help you prevent pimples from forming by providing you with vital antioxidants that help remove toxins from the body, thus preventing acne.

Moisturise your skin with Aloe Vera


If you have oily skin, you will want to know everything you can do to keep your skin moisturised. People with dry skin may not think about Aloe Vera, but this remarkable plant's soothing properties help your skin be wetter. Moisture is essential for keeping skin healthy, but excessive dryness can cause problems. Excessive oil on the skin can clog the pores, cause pimples and acne, and even lead to severe skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema. So, keep your face well-moisturised with Aloe-vera gel for a soothing effect.

Fish-oil Supplements


Fish oil supplements are yet another cure against acne and pimples. A fish oil supplement containing DHA and EPA has proven to be very effective in helping to reduce inflammation, promote healthier sebum production, and also helps fight off bacterial and fungal growth. It's an omega fatty acid with a large number of potential medical benefits that are found in omega-3 foods. Sardines, chorizo, hazelnuts, flaxseed oil, and salmon all have high levels of omega-3 fats that you can benefit from. You can also increase your omega-3 usage by eating chia seeds, sesame seeds, anchovies, and ground walnuts.

If you have been trying to find out how to treat your pimples, you might have come across tons of different home remedies that are worth trying. Many people out there use home remedies that they swear by and say they have helped them get rid of their acne fast. You must realise that not all medications will work for you. But if you try the ones discussed above that seem to be working for you, it shouldn't take long before you start seeing some results. There are exceptions, but it is always a good idea to consult a dermatologist if you have severe acne.