The Narrator For 'Life On Our Planet' Is Exactly Who You Think It Is

life on our planet
Who Is the Narrator For 'Life On Our Planet'?Courtesy of Netflix

The Netflix docuseries Life On Our Planet details how life has managed to survive on Earth since the beginning of time. The visuals are stunning, and with some help from CGI, producers are able to bring to life some long-forgotten species. With eight 60-minute episodes, viewers have been absolutely riveted since it dropped on Netflix on October 25.

"Today there are 20 million species on our planet, yet what we see is just a snapshot in time—99% of earth’s inhabitants are lost to our deep past. The story of what happened to these dynasties—their rise and their fall—is truly remarkable," the Netflix description reads.

While the docuseries is directed by a very famous guy you may have heard of before—the one and only Steven Spielberg—it’s also narrated by a voice that probably sounds super familiar. And if the voice has you scratching your head trying to figure out why it's ringing a bell, you're not alone.

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Here’s what you need to know about the narrator on Life On Our Planet.

What happens in Life On Our Planet?

The docuseries is a beautiful retrospective on how life on Earth began more than two billion years ago, and how much has changed since then. It also dives into how animals have evolved, the threats of mass extinctions from climate change, natural disasters, and catastrophes, and more.

Naturally, there's plenty of animals eating other animals, having babies, and looking absolutely majestic mixed in there, too. It's a perfect family-friendly movie.

Who is the narrator?

39th afi life achievement award honoring morgan freeman show
Morgan Freeman is the narrator in Life On Our Planet, streaming now on Netflix.Frazer Harrison - Getty Images

The narrator is none other than 86-year-old Oscar-winning actor, Morgan Freeman. Morgan has a very distinctive, deep voice, which is arguably one of the most recognizable in Hollywood. has appeared in a ton of famous movies, including Invictus, Million Dollar Baby, and Driving Miss Daisy.

“The planet itself and the history thereof interests me,” Morgan told The New York Times about his latest role. “I call myself a ‘planetist’ because I’m concerned mostly about what’s happening on Earth.”

What else has Morgan Freeman narrated?

Morgan has a distinct, deep, and soothing voice, so it should come as no surprise that plenty of other films have used him to narrate their plots. Because, Morgan Freeman. His voice has literally been likened to the voice of "God." He’s narrated everything from the TV miniseries 100 Years of Warner Bros., to Our Universe, March of the Penguins, and much more, per IMDB.

He’s a total cultural icon.

ICYMI, voice aside, people are totally obsessed with Morgan Freeman—the man is a national treasure. While he’s been in a ton of movies onscreen, he’s also made a huge name for himself as a narrator.

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But if you really wanna hear his soothing bass yourself, you can check out Life On Our Planet, streaming now on Netflix.

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