The Napkin Project (Holiday Edition): Jeff VanderMeer

The Holiday Napkin Project: Jeff VanderMeerPhilip Friedman

They said a holiday party in the middle of a war made no sense, but high Command said the enemy left were just some fucking shape-shifters up in the mountains and we'd won anyway, so we got out the wooden table and made punch from moonshine and fruit juice and caught some plump lizards, shoved them on sticks, and roasted them over a barrel fire. Nothing ever tasted better, and the fire kept off the chill, and the booze meant we hardly felt it anyway—who would. We even found some famous napkins left over from some entertainment helicopter drop. We even found some napkins. We even found some napkins. What is a napkin? This new thing I am writing on? They don't have them in the mountains. We have nothing up there. But now we are down here.

We are all down here.

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