Naim Daniel shares threats and insults by overzealous netizens

17 May - Naim Daniel recently took to social media to express his rage over some netizens taking the blockout campaign to the extreme.

Sharing several screenshots of Instagram comments calling him a Zionist, a pansy and threatening to kill his parents, the singer questioned whether it is lawful for people to insult, slander and threaten him in the name of a boycott.

"Praise be to Allah, I am raised in a loving family who instill Islamic values and empathy between each other, in relationship to nature and to other people. I was taught with wisdom and politeness by my parents who are also Muslims," he said.

Among some of the insults and threats he received by overzealous netizens
Among some of the insults and threats he received by overzealous netizens

Naim said that he has neither deny the sufferings of his Muslim brothers in Gaza, and that unlike the allegations against him, he has never promoted any brands related to Israel.

"Just because I remind people not to be too extreme in boycotting that they insult things that are not related to the boycott, and not to be 'ghuluw' (exaggerating about something)... I was called "over the top". Some even misunderstood me and used a different narrative to go against me," he said.

Naim also responded to a fan's question whether he has promoted any boycotted brands, to which he said he never did.

(Photo Source: Naim Daniel IG)