Myolie Wu reveals how the Nonsense Club came to be

17 Jul - Myolie Wu recently admitted that the uncertainty she once felt about her career was how the Nonsense Club - one of the more popular TVB friendship squads - was established.

As reported on On CC, the actress, who talked about her career and marriage in an interview recently, shared that she was at a lost during the first few years of her career as an actress.

"At the time, I was playing the girl-next-door characters all the time. I wondered whether I would one day get the chance to play the lead for a change," she said.

Myolie said that the second time she felt lost in her career was when she was already popular and doing a lot of dramas.

"I would feel like a robot, filming dramas from the morning until late at night. I didn't even have time to think about becoming a better actress," she said.

It was then that she bonded with fellow actress Nancy Wu, who also shared similar feelings about her career.

"I became good friends with Nancy, and then with Pace Wu. Since the three of us has the surnamed Wu, we became "Wu Suet Pat Dou Wui" (The Nonsense Club). Soon it was joined by Elaine Yiu, Mandy Wong, and Selena Lee," she said.

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