Moses Chan hopes to one day play Qin Shi Huang





1 Mar – Although he has played many roles since he started his acting career, Moses Chan still has one particular role he would like to one day play.

In an interview with Mingpao recently, the actor revealed that he would love to portray Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the founder of the Qin dynasty and the first emperor of unified China.

"I have admired him since I was a child. He sacrificed a lot of people for the sake of unification, meaning he has done a lot of bad in order to do good. His personality was very complicated and that's what attracted me the most," he said.

Moses also stated that the idea is also related to his identity as a father, and that it is important for children to learn about Chinese culture through what they watch on television.

On the other hand, when asked how he manages his time being a father, an actor, as well as a businessman, Moses stated, "Everybody has only 24 hours a day. As long as you manage your time well, you can do everything with half the effort. My wife [Aimee Chan] is also definitely a good helper, so she is my queen."



Moses and wife Aimee have three children together
Moses and wife Aimee have three children together



(Photo Source: Moses Chan IG, Aimee Chan IG)