The New Moon in Taurus Wants You To Kick Back and Relax

full moon in taurus
Your Horoscope for the New Moon in TaurusGetty/Margie Rischiotto

New Moons are a time for rejuvenation and manifestation, and if you have a lack in your life, then this is the time to fill it, through a new experience, person, or item. We must make space for beginnings and foolish behavior during New Moons. Mind you, we are all fools when beginning something new, so don’t be scared to get experimental.

For newbies, a New Moon is when the Moon and the Sun meet at the same degree, forming what astrologers call a conjunction. As an astrology practitioner, I’m all about precision because cutting through diamonds is possible. New Moons are for setting intentions and goals to manifest. Take the theme of each New Moon as inspiration to bring forth the best version of yourself!

Yes, life would all be so simple if we all shared the same brain cell. Being on one accord like Beyoncé and her dancers would be ideal. However, there’s only one Queen B, and that’s okay. We all benefit from mistakes, failures, setbacks, disappointments, and boundaries. They’re all necessary teachers. On May 19 at 11;42 AM Eastern Time, a New Moon in Taurus will appear in the sky. It's joining some potent astrology: On May 16, Jupiter entered Taurus’s strong-willed and earthy domain. For the past year, Jupiter was in the headstrong and risk-taking sign of Aries. With the New Moon joining Jupiter in Taurus, you're feeling outspoken appreciation for sensory desires. Spiritualists likely believe that this New Moon will bring forth gifts that can teach you new methods of understanding and meeting your basic needs.

Oh, BTdubs— this New Moon is rendezvousing in the sky on May 19th, 2023, at 11:52 AM EST. Occurring at 28 degrees, this New Moon is purely for kicking back and relaxing. Which mind you, will be a challenge for some of you. When your body is used to being in go mode, then being still will feel unfamiliar. Embrace what’s good for you, babes!

Read your horoscopes based on your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Read for your Sun sign to gain insight based on the version of yourself that you’re maturing into, your Rising sign to reflect on your present state, and your Moon sign for guidance on how to nurture your inner child.

Your Horoscope for the New Moon in Taurus:


Money, guap, dinero, cashflow, abundance, values, yen. That’s it, hottie. That’s your horoscope. Focus on appreciating your inherent abundance. Your wealth comes from the most basic of places: You. Your birthright is to live in a limitless state. Within your lifetime, you will spend millions. When you find your motivation, put your mind in drive and head to your destination.


This New Moon will put money where your mouth is—open up, sweetie. But no, money tastes gross, so take that metaphor for what it is. Money represents your ability to appreciate and be appreciated, and your mouth is how you express and receive gratitude. Remember, your self-worth defines your value.


During this New Moon, you have a lot of blessings to keep in your mind. Keep the lines of communication between your soul and soma (aka body) open. If you’re feeling tightness, soreness, or tension, treat yourself. And by treat yourself, I mean get the care you need. The better you care for yourself, the more you can do for your universe.


Have you kept your wishes and goals in mind? Hopefully, you hold your wishes close to heart because, astrologically speaking, now’s a predictable time for them to actualize. You have to be the driving force in bringing your desires to life. This New Moon will be a catalyst if you embrace it. However, magic is simply potential without actions.


For you, this New Moon represents a breakthrough. I recommend communicating with the universe and showing that you’re ready to reach the next level. The world can appreciate an underdog, so if you’ve felt like giving in, this is time for you to keep on pushing. Let yourself be surprised by absolutely unpredictable outcomes. Now is the time to welcome the unimaginable.


Rest assured that you are an endless well of knowledge. Your abundance transcends what you know. Your worth radiates in the eyes of people who have witnessed your demonstration of self-expression. Trust and believe that whether your community is speaking life into you, that they are paying homage to your essence.


All good changes come through endings. Some of you might feel a sense of relief when you welcome conclusions. There is a certain peace that cloaks the body when ending a chapter; let yourself enjoy it as it drapes over you. There may be disappointments that come with endings, and it’s valid to mourn bittersweet feelings.


You’re getting the happily-ever-after that you deserve, just know you might not see it coming. This can appear within your close friendships, potentially developing an even deeper bond to a friend than you expected. For those of you who are interested in love and romance, the Nodes are pointing you towards receiving what you need.


Darling, focus on your health and maintain your motivation to upkeep your self-care. You need no elaborate plans or ineffective diets. Sometimes the best care you can give yourself is full body acceptance. Accepting yourself wholeheartedly is a great first step towards becoming your best self. This New Noon is a great time to appreciate yourself—heart, lungs, and all.


Capricorn, this is the perfect time to say “yes” to a weekend date. If you're single, there may be someone who stands out to you more than usual. Take a chance and say hello. You never know just how great interacting with them may be. Go in with no expectations and enjoy how the future unfolds.


A personal and long-awaited transformation is occurring, Aquarius. After years of active reflection, observation, and introspection, you’re capable of identifying the right environment for you. Similar to plants, you were intended to grow in the right setting. Create a space that motivates you and watch as your zest for life increases.


Take your time finding all the right words and vocalizing them authentically. This is a period for you to do the work on yourself in order to appreciate yourself deeply. There’s no shame in taking space if you need it or disappointing people. In this life you’re capable of choosing you, so you might as well make yourself a top priority.

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