Miu Chu learns to cherish life after breast cancer diagnosis

6 Jan – Miu Chu recently admitted that she has now learned to accept her condition, after battling with emotional turmoil following her breast cancer diagnosis last year.

As reported on Epoch Times, the Taiwanese singer, who held a press conference to promote her new album, "Seize the Day", shared that the diagnosis came as a surprise to her as she had always thought herself quite healthy - which was why she was depressed for quite a while following the result.

"But after finding out, there was no other way but to accept it," she said.

Miu stressed that there was no use to continue being saddened by the situation, and instead took the opportunity to cherish her life and the people around her.

"Imperfections in life can also be perfect if you see it from a different angle. It allows me to understand the importance of health, and allows me to face everything with courage," she added.

Although 2020 had been an unpredictable year for the singer, she stated that the most important thing is to take care of herself.

"I am currently still in treatment. Although the mood was affected, I continued on with recording my new album and receiving regular treatment. All these feelings have been poured into the album," she said, adding that she has also started doing yoga and meditation to keep herself in good state.

(Photo Source: Miu Chu Instagram)