Mira Filzah says son Amir is already sought after for commercials

29 Dec – Mira Filzah recently admitted that she and her husband Wan Emir have already received several commercial and acting offers for their baby boy Amir.

Speaking about her son, the actress said that she and her husband have no qualms having their son be in adverts and commercials, as long as it's suitable for his age.

"There have been offers be it for commercial and acting projects. We may consider those short-term campaigns, but to be in a movie or a drama, not right now, because he is still too young," she said.

Mira stated that just like her, Amir is not camera shy, and that she has already done several appearances with her son to promote products and services via social media.

At the same time, the actress said that she is not yet ready to bring Amir to any events for the time being, and would only do so when he is much older.

"I think everybody knows how it is when people touch or kiss babies when there are so many diseases around. Of course, as a mother, we would worry about our child's health and safety," she said.

Mira has already shot several brand ads on social media with her baby
Mira has already shot several brand ads on social media with her baby

(Photo Source: Mira Filzah IG)