Mindful drinking is key to surviving the party season – here's how to do it

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Why you should try drinking mindfully this seasonNew Line Cinema/Hbo/Village Roadshow/Kobal/Shutterstock - Shutterstock

It’s nine at night on a rainy Thursday evening in December, and our office party is buzzing. Quite literally, in fact: the thrum of conversation has been steadily rising over the last few hours and now, people are really starting to relax. It’s thanks in no small part to the free drinks, which everyone is happily sipping as they bond with their teams. I look down at the Diet Coke in my hand (extra lime, always) with slight disappointment, but remind myself that I'm doing the right thing.

This festive season, I’m trying ‘mindful drinking’ – in other words, cutting my alcohol consumption down, rather than out entirely. Over the last week, I’ve swapped pints at the pub for lime-and-sodas, had one glass of wine at a dinner party (before switching to sparkling water) and subbed my favourite tequila and tonic for an alcohol-free version at home.

I’m certainly not alone in wanting to cut back. Mindful drinking is a movement that’s been brewing (if you’ll excuse the pun) for several years now: these days, you’re as likely to find as many non-alcoholic cocktails on a bar menu as you are traditional ones, and a recent survey found that 24 per cent of British drinkers are keen to reduce their booze intake – rising to 31 percent of those aged 18-24.

Gen Z are certainly driving the trend for being ‘sober curious’. The BBC reported that the younger generation are more cautious than their older counterparts when it comes to alcohol, citing concern over their online image (no one wants to be tagged in an unflattering, drunk photo on Instagram) and arguing that they place higher value on productivity and success than they do on going out. In fact, 20 per cent of university students are conservatively estimated to be tee-total – an idea that would have been unthinkable when I was doing my degree 10 years ago.

The reality is, my cohort of thirty-somethings were raised on drinking games, WKD and buying three shots for a pound during our university years. We still (mostly) see a few drinks as part and parcel of having a good time, especially around Christmas. If you eschew a cocktail at a drinks party or say no to a glass of wine at dinner, you’re often thought of as being slightly (whisper it) boring – although no one would dare to admit it.

There’s also the simple fact that Britain has an undeniable boozing culture: the UK has one of the highest number of pubs in the world and many of my WhatsApp groups have witty, drink-referencing names. And who hasn’t been invited for a few pints with colleagues after work, gone to a vodka-fuelled birthday bash, or toasted a newly engaged couple with champagne? Drinking is built into the fabric of how we celebrate and commiserate, befriend each other and bond together. In the past, I’ve felt like I’d be cutting out all those experiences by removing alcohol.

This is where I’ve found mindful drinking comes in handy: for me, it’s been a way to indulge in a drink or two, but not feel the pressure to go overboard. I don’t want to give up drinking entirely, both for social and personal reasons – I love the taste of good red wine, and I need the confidence boost of a glass of something at a party as much as the next person. But as I get older, I’ve found I can tolerate it less and less. When I have three or four drinks, I suffer the next morning: cue grey skin, a puffy face and a pounding headache. I can hardly handle that at weekends, let alone during a working week.

“Nobody is under any illusions that drinking alcohol is good for you, but people often underestimate the benefits of cutting back,” Rosamund Dean, the author of Mindful Drinking: How Cutting Down Can Change Your Life, tells me. She reels off a frankly staggering list of positives, from sharpened concentration and improved memory, to “extra disposable income, less anxiety, more restorative sleep, weight loss and a smaller risk of developing lots of diseases, including cancer”.

Since I began drinking more mindfully, I’ve managed to stave off any major hangovers, which definitely has not been the case during previous party seasons. My skin looks clear and, as an added bonus, I’ve caught far fewer colds than I usually would at this time of year – which doesn’t feel like a coincidence, given that alcohol is known to weaken our immune systems.

But how do you start drinking less and – more importantly – keep it up? Many of us will have stayed sober for a whole, excruciating dry January, only to pick up our usual drinking habits the minute the month ends. Mindful drinking is more of a marathon than a sprint, explains Dean. “Preparation is everything. If you’re going out, decide in advance what you’re going to drink, and what you’ll say to anyone who tries to pressure you into drinking,” she says.

My new system is to have one drink at the beginning of the night, then move on to something soft – a switch that, more often than not, goes unnoticed. Personally, I find it easier not to announce that I’m not drinking; it means I’m faced with fewer questions and much less cajoling to ‘just have one more’. Besides, abstaining is far easier these days, as there are so many more enticing non-alcoholic options than before. I like Botivo, a botanical aperitif which I mix with soda water; and Sanbitter, which, when served in a cold glass with a slice of orange, I can almost kid myself is a Negroni. When I’m out, I go for kombucha, or ask what cordials are behind the bar – there’s often a surprisingly good selection used for cocktails.

Of course, there have been a few nights when I’ve drunk more than I’d intended (and woken up with the hangover to remind me). When I’ve left work stressed, or found myself flying solo at a party, I’ve given in to the urge to drink more. But I feel encouraged when Dean tells me that “sober socialising takes practice. Once you start doing it, and realise that you can, your confidence will increase. There will inevitably be times when you drink more, but that doesn't mean you've 'failed'. Simply learn from it and move on.”

Dean’s ultimate tip? “Always aim for progress over perfection” – a mantra I’ll be adopting every time I feel like reaching for another glass of champagne this Christmas.

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