In the Midst of the Black Maternal Health Crisis, Could Midwives Be the Answer?

elaine welteroth in black and white with her baby
Can Black Midwives Save Lives?Courtesy Bobbie

This time last year, things looked idyllic for Elaine Welteroth as she entered the third trimester of pregnancy. She had a loving and supportive partner by her side. After leaving her post as editor-in-chief of Teen Vogue in 2018, her career was booming as she transitioned to television and other media. On her babymoon on an island in Mexico, she took stunning photos, her baby bump peeking out of a stylish maternity bikini and framed against the white sand and blue skies.

But the pictures obscured a grimmer truth. The author and Project Runway judge had found herself unexpectedly pregnant after a cross-country move to Los Angeles and was feeling isolated. On many days, she couldn’t get out of bed because of debilitating pelvic pain caused by a condition called symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) that affects up to one-third of pregnant women. And adding to her stress, she still hadn’t found an obstetrician to deliver her first baby—a decision that can be life-or-death for Black women who continue to stare down the barrel of a horrifying and uniquely American maternal mortality crisis.

The statistics are bleak but so oft-repeated and seemingly immutable that they’ve lost their shock value. They shouldn’t. The U.S. maternal mortality rate, on the rise for the past 20 years, is three times the rate of other high-income nations. And Black women are three times more likely than white women to die from pregnancy-related complications.

With the ever-present fear of becoming a statistic, Elaine “dated doctors” for weeks, but left every appointment feeling dismissed and disappointed. “I knew the stats and I heard the stories of women of color having challenges in the hospital setting,” she told Cosmopolitan, thinking her education and even the fact that she got along well with people might protect her. “I just did not think it would impact me. I really didn’t, and I was gravely mistaken.”

One doctor mistakenly and unnecessarily took so many vials of blood—without apology or explanation—that she developed a phobia of needles. Another told her that she would be limited to asking just two questions per visit because that’s all they had time for [Editor’s note: Let me take this opportunity to advocate for the Take-This-Person’s-License-Away Act of 2023].

After that fateful babymoon—where Elaine finally snapped and shared the reality of her difficult pregnancy with her hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram—she met, through the recommendation of a friend, the woman who would actually deliver her child: a Black midwife named Kimberly Durdin. “Everything shifted when I started to tell the truth,” Elaine said.

In April, she gave birth to her 9 lb. baby boy not in a hospital but in her own home. Now, Elaine is partnering with Bobbie for Change, the advocacy arm of the infant formula company Bobbie, to continue to raise the alarm about the maternal mortality crisis and tell the story of how a midwife helped her navigate the birth of her first child.

“I am not here to feed into any wars on women’s psyches around birth. There’s already enough of that….If moms have pursued the hospital route and it works for them, that’s great—do what works for you,” she said. “But I want people to know about all their options and the benefits of midwifery care. As educated as I am, I didn’t know.”

Giving birth with a midwife in the U.S. is still uncommon—only about 9 percent of all births happen that way. But it’s a path that’s receiving renewed interest and attention given the depressing picture around how many people go to deliver their babies and don’t survive the experience.

Some studies have shown that low-risk births attended by midwives, who are typically certified and have been trained around pregnancy and childbirth, are associated with better outcomes and fewer disruptive interventions, like C-sections. In the Netherlands, Sweden, France and the UK, midwives are far more the norm for uncomplicated pregnancies. Midwives can work within hospitals too, but often, they care for patients in birthing centers—facilities that center around the midwifery model—or at home.

Elaine knows that there’s stereotypes around women who choose midwifery and especially home births—crunchy, granola, incense-burning (“I love those women, I am here for those women, but I am not one of them, okay?”). But she wants people to know that they don’t have to fit into an ideological box to choose what works for them. Elaine gave birth at home with a midwife, but when her milk supply wasn’t keeping up with her baby’s voracious appetite, she decided to also feed him formula.

elaine welteroth with baby
Hannah Shea

Keisha Goode, an assistant professor whose research focuses on Black midwives, notes that the positive outcomes reported for midwives make sense when you think of how they operate. Midwives tend to spend more time with their patients, and offer more intimate, personalized care. While Black women have shared experiences of having their pain dismissed by doctors, midwives are trained to be more attuned to their needs.

“Midwives are a relationship-centered, holistic model of care, and that means that it encompasses all aspects of what it means to be healthy and a human being,” she says. Goode—and many other advocates and experts—believe Black midwives have a role to play in not only keeping Black birthing people alive but giving them the kind of births they deserve. A so-called “momnibus” package of bills intended to address racial disparities in maternal health in part by growing and diversifying birth workers, including midwives, is currently stalled in Congress.

“The possibilities of midwifery extend far, far beyond maternal mortality. People should have births that make them feel empowered and joyful,” insists Goode. “It isn’t just that having a Black midwife equals better outcomes for Black people. There is something about being cared for in a respectful, culturally competent environment that allows people to thrive and grow.”

Durdin, Elaine’s midwife, had the same idea when she got into the work. In 2018, she opened Kindred Space LA with the goal of bringing diverse midwifery care to communities of color.

“We have a huge resurgence of Black folks and Black women choosing to become midwives, getting certified and licensed and doing what’s required in their states,” she says. “This Black maternal crisis is a human rights issue in this country and it must be taken seriously. We can no longer act like it’s not happening.”

Access, as always, is a sticking point. Although many major insurance companies as well as Medicaid—the government program that insures low-income people—cover midwifery services, midwives report having trouble navigating the byzantine bureaucracies and being reimbursed adequately.

“Our goal is not just to serve people who can afford the highest level of concierge care but to also provide concierge care to the folks that are on Medi-Cal [California’s program for low-income patients],” Durdin says. “That’s really our raison d’etre–it doesn’t matter how much money you make. Everyone should be able to access the greatest level of care that they possibly can.”

As for Elaine, she surprised even herself when she finally decided nearly at the end of her pregnancy that she wanted to give birth at home. Part of the calculation was that she trusted Durdin enough to make the call to get her to the hospital in case of an emergency.

As Elaine went into labor, she thought of the doctor who had a two-questions-per-visit limit—the same doctor who, when asked if it was possible to deliver without being hooked to an IV, had responded condescendingly, “What do you think this is? That you’re just going to come into the hospital, pop a squat, and push out a baby?”

“On the sixth push, I thought about what that woman said to me in the hospital system and I used every ounce of energy that I could muster. I pulled myself up and popped a squat and I pushed my baby out,” she recalls, laughing. “I felt like a superhero.”

The goal is for more people to have that kind of experience: Feeling empowered, instead of demoralized, by their births.

“How do we create more successful birthing stories and outcomes?” asks Elaine. “And what can we do to ensure that more women, whether you go into the hospital system or go through the midwifery path, that you come out on the other side alive and healthy and with the ability to mother that baby you just birthed?”

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