My Dumb Little Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 21 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The First Time Last Week

1.First off, hummingbird eggs are very, very small:

A hand next to a hummingbird nest

And we must protect these tiny little eggs at all costs.

2.This is what Mount Everest looks like from the window of a plane:

Mount Everest

3.This is how big an average sized human is compared to a bunch of different bears:

A woman standing next to a measurement of bears

4.And, just for fun, this is how tall the tallest man who ever lived, Robert Wadlow, is compared to a polar bear:

Robert Wadlow superimposed against the wall and woman with bears

Not quite tall enough, Bob.

Getty / Via

5.Thomas Edison's last breath was captured and now resides in a museum:

"Edison's Last Breath"

6.Remember Nickelodeon Studios? Slime Time Live and all that jazz?

Nickelodeon Studios
u/captainholt43 / Via

7.Well, this is what it looks like today:

A blue and white building

8.This picture, taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, shows what a dying star looks like:

a dying star

9.Hedges can be absolutely massive:

a giant hedge

I wish to stroke that hedge.

u/thebigchil73 / Via

10.And bolts, my boy? Bolts can be absolutely gigantic:

a hand holding a giant bolt

Imagine how cool it would be to screw one of these bad boys in.

u/rhythmtech / Via

11.The names for "book worm" in different languages are incredible:

Bookworm in various languages

12.There's an underwater ancient Roman city that you can dive to and explore:

A diver on the ocean floor

13.This is how big a battleship, specifically the USS Iowa, is compared to a normal-sized boat:

A small boat next to a battleship

Battleships: They're big.

San Francisco Chronicle / San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images

14.During the Battle of Britain in World War II, cows were painted with bright white paint to stop cars from hitting them during the nightly blackouts:

A woman painting a cow white

Thank you for your service, cow.

Imperial War Museums / Imperial War Museums via Getty Images

15.This is Travis Gienger and his award-winning 2,749-pound pumpkin that won the 50th annual World Championship Pumpkin Weigh-Off:

A giant pumpkin

Folks, do we stan Travis Gienger's giant pumpkin?

China News Service / China News Service via Getty Images

16.There are a whole bunch of trees on Earth that were planted with seeds that flew to the moon on Apollo 14:

"Moon Sycamore"

17.This is how England's A303 road evolved over time:

A303 road evolving

Brings back the giant squids, I say.

u/innuendopl / Via

18.Ever wonder why NASA uses pens? This is why:

Why Nasa uses pens

19.Pilots on commercial flights use different cups from everyone else:

"pilot cup"

20.This is what a tumbleweed looks like before, well, it tumbles:

Well, then.

Well, then.

u/doctorrecommended / Via

21.And, finally, in sad news, the world's oldest dog, 31-year-old Bobi, passed away yesterday:

Bobi with his owner

RIP to Bobi the king.

Anadolu Agency / Anadolu Agency via Getty Images