Michelle Obama’s birthday message to the POTUS aka her ~husband~ is #relationshipgoals

Michelle Obama’s birthday message to the POTUS aka her ~husband~ is #relationshipgoals

Michelle Obama’s birthday message to the POTUS aka her ~husband~ is #relationshipgoals
Michelle Obama’s birthday message to the POTUS aka her ~husband~ is #relationshipgoals

As if we didn’t need another reason to love Michelle Obama. Not only is she an amazing feminist leader and mother, but she is a dedicated partner to her husband (who just happens to be the President of the United States). Today, to celebrate her husband’s 55th birthday, she personally shared the sweetest Instagram message, giving us all sorts of #relationshipgoals:

55 years young and that smile still gets me every single day. Happy birthday, Barack. I love you. -mo

A photo posted by First Lady Michelle Obama (@michelleobama) on Aug 4, 2016 at 7:34am PDT

Michelle captioned the photo:

“55 years young and that smile still gets me every single day. Happy birthday, Barack. I love you. -mo”

The signature of “-mo,” indicates that she posted the message herself, rather than having a PR rep do it. The photo was taken at the White House in May, when the ultimate power couple were waiting for leaders to arrive for the Nordic state dinner.

We can’t help but imagine what kind of birthday surprises she has for Barack Obama that aren’t posted on Instagram—probably something super super sweet, right? Those two make the world go “awww” by just looking at one another.

We love that the First Lady and President are still so clearly in love. If those two can make it work with all the stressors they must face, then we can, too.

The post Michelle Obama’s birthday message to the POTUS aka her ~husband~ is #relationshipgoals appeared first on HelloGiggles.