Men's Fitness Tricks Work For Women, Too

"Train like a man to look like a goddess," says one fitness article's headline. In the olden days of gym work and exercise, the line between men and women were clearly delineated: men should do different exercises to bulk up while women should do lightweight stuff to look feminine and sexy.

Recent studies show though that taking a page from the men's workout bible may actually get you on the road to sexy faster.

Check out these manly workout rules that you should incorporate into your fitness routine to get visible results in no time.

1. Grab some steel
We are constantly admonished to get more cardio, to pound that treadmill hard to shrink waistlines, hips and thighs, but grabbing steel, i.e. dumbbells and weights, can help you burn more fat long-term. A weight program that builds muscle can help your body burn fat even when it's at rest. Building muscle mass helps give metabolism a boost and burns more calories.

2. Be intense
We tend to giggle at some of the men who look hardcore and serious while working out, and sometimes we like to think of gym time as "iPad time" as well (guilty as charged). If you think raising the incline on the treadmill will help offset the slow pace you're climbing, think again. Longer workouts do not translate to a fitter body—intensity is key. You can actually get a better workout if you spend an intense 30 minutes working on your body than spending an hour walking on the treadmill.

Celebrity athlete Chris Tiu's daily routine for example includes conditioning, basketball skills practice with the team and lifting weights twice or thrice a week. "Sometimes we have a tendency to slack off and not push ourselves so much; mental discipline and training are also important," he says.

Also read: 5 Steps To Perfect Legs

3. Eat like a man

We don't mean piling on the huge servings, but men who intend to build muscle mass also have protein-rich diets. Protein helps you build muscle, and like we mentioned earlier, well-developed muscles in the body helps burn fat. "I try to eat as healthy as possible. I eat carbs, I need energy since I run a lot, and I also get protein to help my muscles recover," says Chris.

While Chris' fitness routine requires him to eat more, he also knows to dial down on the meals when he's on vacation. "I eat based on the amount of physical activity I have. If I'm on vacation and not exercising, then I also try to cut down on the calories." Apps like My Fitness Pal will help you keep track of your calorie intake and exercise output so you'll be aware when to cut back or how much calories you need to burn in case you want another slice of pizza.

Also read: 10 Instant Health Boosters

4. Keep it fresh

It's so easy to get bored with a workout, that's why new fitness fads crop up on a daily basis. While it's OK to try out new routines once in a while, you still have to stick to what works, like squats, dead lifts and other tried-and-tested exercises. "It'll be nice to try something new once in a while, but when it comes to fitness, it's really all about repetitions, especially in sports. Muscle memory is important; it helps to do an alternative form of training once in a while just to break away from your regular routine," advises Chris. To change it up, Chris likes to play golf or takes a swim; it's not as intense as his daily basketball games, but it helps him with his focus.

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