Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone's 2 Kids: Everything They've Said About Parenting

Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone share two daughters: Vivian and Georgette



Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone are the proud parents of two daughters, Vivian, 17, and Georgette, 14.

During a 2013 interview with Michigan Avenue Magazine, McCarthy called parenting two kids “extreme everything."

“It’s extremely tiring. It’s extremely overwhelming in a good way,” she said. “You just don’t sleep when you have two kids. But they’re so funny. The bigger they get, the weirder and the funnier and their true personalities come out. And they just surprise me every day.”

Related: Melissa McCarthy's Two Daughters Make Rare Appearance with Parents at 'Little Mermaid' Premiere

Now that the girls are teenagers, McCarthy couldn't be prouder of the young women they've become.

"Watching them navigate a world that's so much more complicated and so much harder. And to do it with such grace and love and care and such empathy for other people," she said during her April 2023 cover story for PEOPLE. "Boy, you don't want to mess with those two if you're doing wrong to good people, they stand up for themselves. And I learn from that every single day."

The Little Mermaid actress also discussed the prospect of her daughters eventually leaving the nest but admitted that she doesn't even allow herself to think about it.

"Nope, because it's never going to happen," she said jokingly. "One of my daughters was talking about maybe going to school in Scotland. And literally Ben's like, 'Your lip's twitching.' "

While chatting with Savannah Guthrie in November 2023, McCarthy revealed the odd holiday tradition her family partakes in every Christmas Eve.

We do a weird meatball party,” she said. "We have everybody over, we make sandwiches, we watch all of The Lord of the Rings."

Keep reading for everything Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone have said about their kids, Vivian and Georgette.

Vivian Falcone, 17



McCarthy and Falcone welcomed their first child together, Vivian Falcone, on May 5, 2007.

When she was younger, Vivian wasn’t too impressed with her mom’s success in Hollywood. After winning an Emmy in 2011, McCarthy told PEOPLE that Vivian wasn’t that interested in the trophy — she was more concerned with the tiara that was placed on McCarthy’s head during her acceptance speech.

“I took her in and showed her the Emmy and she’s like, ‘No — the crown.’ She was literally like, ‘What is this piece of tin?’ ” McCarthy recalled. “She was so irritated. She clearly had had it with me. And really all she wanted was the crown.”

Vivian started showing an interest in show business when she was just 7 years old. She had a role in The Boss, in which she played McCarthy’s character at a younger age.

In 2016, McCarthy told Bust magazine that she was “very hesitant” to cast Vivian in the film. “By hesitant, I mean, we kept saying flat out, ‘No. School plays? You can do that. You don’t need to be doing this as a job. You’re in school. That’s your job,’ ” she said.

However, Vivian was persistent. "She knew there were kids in this movie,” the actress continued. And when Vivian asked if she could try, McCarthy agreed, saying, "'Yes, yes, you are of course allowed to try.' "

On the day Vivian was set to film her scene, Falcone took her to work. McCarthy said that her husband was trying to joke around with Vivian on the way in, and she said, “‘Do you mind if we joke around after I’m done? I think [my character] is probably pretty upset right now and when you make me laugh I don’t feel like her.’ ”

While McCarthy thought Vivian did a great job, she wasn’t thrilled about the idea of her daughter working at such a young age. “I said, ‘Okay! Great job! Do it again when you’re 20!’ ” McCarthy joked.

During a 2018 appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, McCarthy shared that she and Vivian shared a hobby: They both love interior design.

“Ben walked in and Viv and I were trying out a new bedspread I got, and Viv’s like, ‘I just think it might compete with the headboard,’ ” the mom of two recalled. “And I literally got weird, I got goosebumps. Ben just turned around and he goes, ‘Oh my God, I can’t have two of you.’ "

She added: "This must be what a Texas dad feels like when his boy plays quarterback.”

McCarthy also encourages her kids to be themselves and embrace their quirks, telling PEOPLE in 2020, “My oldest has a really good head on her shoulders, but kids that age are always thinking, ‘Does someone think I look silly?’ I tell them it’s all silly and we’re all idiots!”

Related: Melissa McCarthy Gives Advice to Her Two Teen Girls About Social Media: 'This Is Smoke and Mirrors'

The Bridesmaids star added that she is constantly impressed by both of her daughters.

“At that age, I was eating dirt and running around a farm like a dingbat, but they have a much bigger view of the world,” she said. “I love to see my two girls just truly say, ‘I know who I am and I know what I like and what I don’t like.’ And they’re kind, so to have all of that come together is lovely.”

Since her debut role in The Boss, Vivian has also appeared in 2021’s Thunder Force, where she once again played the younger role of McCarthy’s character. “We’ve kind of kept Vivian out of acting, but she’s very good at it,” Falcone said in press notes for the film, per Decider.

He added: “She’s like her mom in that she can stay in the scene and then you can pitch her alternate ways that the scene can go baked on what you think might be a little funnier or different — and she is able to make those adjustments.”

Georgette Falcone, 14



The couple's younger daughter, Georgette “Georgie” Falcone, was born on Feb. 22, 2010.

In 2015, McCarthy referred to Georgette as “a force of nature” on The Ellen DeGeneres Show. “She’s trouble,” Falcone joked.

“She’ll rule the world or destroy it, there will be no gray areas,” McCarthy added. Falcone recalled: “She told me, not too long ago, ‘You know, Daddy, someday God is going to kill me, but guess what? I’m coming back.’ ”

When she was 6 years old, Georgette also made her movie debut in The Boss. She appeared in the movie as a girl scout. Falcone told E! News, “Once [Georgette] heard Vivian is in the movie, she was like, ‘I wanna be in the movie.’ ”

Of the girls’ potential acting careers, Falcone said he’ll “see what happens,” adding, “I’m not going to discourage it but I’m also not going to encourage it.”

McCarthy has said her younger daughter may have been “a vigilante in her first life.” In a 2016 interview, McCarthy told Ellen DeGeneres that, out of nowhere, Georgette said, “I don’t want to take karate classes ... I just want a guy I can kick and punch!” The couple then got her a sparring dummy to use at home.

During her 2018 appearance on Ellen, McCarthy shared that Georgette loved to dress up.

“She tries to go right down the stairs and out the door, and I’m like, ‘Ah ah ah, wait, what?’ ” she said. “Full face of makeup, shirt in like a ponytail holder, and like a heeled boot ... It’s like kabuki red lips and Instagram cheekbones.”

The actress returned to the show in February 2020 and revealed that her younger daughter might have a future as a stunt double.

“Well, as your typical 10-year-old, I got her a Hong Kong harness [for her birthday],” she shared. “It’s a stunt harness, which is what you wear if you’re being jerked up or if you’re in a fight scene, or say there’s an explosion in a movie, it’ll pull you back … And that’s all she really wanted.”

Later that month, McCarthy opened up to PEOPLE about her family life at home.

It’s not the most serious household,” she said. “There’s a lot of serious stuff happening in the world, and we don’t have to have it in the house.”

She noted that people are always “yelling” and “coming in and out” of their house. “Our youngest is constantly on some kind of wheeled thing ripping through the house, and I just kind of love it,” she added of Georgette.

In May 2023, Georgette joined her parents at the premiere of The Little Mermaid, in which McCarthy stars as Ursula, in downtown Los Angeles.

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