Mayday denies allegations of lip-syncing at concert

6 Dec – Mayday's camp has dismissed allegations that the band's vocalist Ashin was lip-synching during their performance in Shanghai.

The issue sparked after some viewers decided to submit some clips to a mainland music vlogger, asking him to identify whether Ashin did lip-sync some of his performances during the eight-show concert in November.

The vlogger then pointed out that five of the songs, including "Love-ing" and "Cheers" were suspected to have been modified. It had since caused an uproar, with reports having been sent to the relevant authorities for investigation.

It is noted that China has measures that stipulates that entertainers cannot deceive the audiences by means of lip-syncing and faking playing instruments.

Ashin was accused of lip-syncing during his performance in Shanghai
Ashin was accused of lip-syncing during his performance in Shanghai

In response to the allegations, Mayday's agency B'in Music issued a solemn statement saying, "Mayday did not engage in any lip-synching behaviour during the tour. The comments about "Mayday lip-synching" on the Internet are malicious attacks, rumours and slander, which seriously damage the artiste's image. Our company is actively cooperating with the relevant law enforcement departments to carry out investigations."

"Our company believes that the relevant departments will give us a fair result to set the record straight. In the 24 years since Mayday debuted, it has always adhered to the theme of "Youth, Dreams, Friendship, Love" and worked diligently, persistently and focused on presenting our best music to our fans. We will continue to promote the innovation and development of Chinese music in the future. Please believe in Mayday and believe in music!"

(Photo Source: Mayday IG)