Mark Chao, Gao Yuanyuan named daughter Rhea

25 Jun – There hasn't been much information about Mark Chao and Gao Yuanyuan's first daughter, but the latest report is saying that the couple has given her the English name Rhea.

As reported on Epoch Times, the name was exposed recently as the celebrity couple began sending their child's 100th Day invitations and gift boxes to relatives and friends.

Both the pink box, tied with pink ribbon, and the card, have the name Rhea written across it. The card read, "Rhea's full month! I want to be with all of you. Let's share her joy together."

The name Rhea has several meanings. In Greek mythology, Rhea is one of the goddesses - the mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Demeter. It is also derived from the Greek "rhoia", meaning "flowing".

On the other hand, it was reported that the couple has already held their daughter's Full Moon celebration on 22 June, based on the photos shared by Mark's father, actor Allen Chao.

Rhea is the first child for the couple, who has been married since 2014.

(Photo Source: Sohu)