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Mamma Mia! Musical in Singapore review: Is it worth catching?

Strung together by over 22 ABBA hits, you will be grooving and clapping along with the solid cast of Mamma Mia! Musical.

Donna and the Dynamos in Mamma Mia! Musical. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg
Donna and the Dynamos in Mamma Mia! Musical. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg

Singapore – Back in Singapore for the third time, the love for Mamma Mia! Musical remains strong, as evidenced by the house seen on opening night at the Sands Theatre, Marina Bay Sands, last Thursday.

It is a story of self-discovery, familial bonds and friendship

Most of us have experienced the thrills and spills of Mamma Mia! through the gorgeous movie versions of Mamma Mia!, 2008 and Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, 2018, helmed by the multi-talented Hollywood star Meryl Streep. The story starts with 20-year-old Sophie, finding her identity by seeking out her biological father to walk her down the aisle. Chaos ensues when three men, each potentially her father, visit the idyllic Greek island where the single mother has been raising her daughter alone.

But is watching the movie version on-screen enough? Is there a need to catch the musical version in person?

Helming the role of Sophie, Jess Michelmore gives the performance of a lifetime. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg
Helming the role of Sophie, Jess Michelmore gives the performance of a lifetime. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg

ABBA’s greatest hits propel the narrative

The Mamma Mia! music alone, propelled by ABBA’s chart-topping hits from the 70s, is enough reason to secure a ticket to the Musical. The plot of the musical is strung by more than 22 of the Swedish band's greatest hits, which include “Dancing Queen”, “Take A Chance On Me”, “The Winner Takes It All”, “Does Your Mother Know”, “Super Trouper” and of course “Mamma Mia!”. Akin to attending concerts where the power of music pulsates through your entire body, there's nothing like experiencing the musical in person.

Not to mention the interactivity when it comes to watching a live performance, seeing fellow audience members get up and jive along to the music, waving and clapping and with the plot's progress can only add to the fun and enjoyment of watching a musical.

Mamma Mia! Musical brings us back to the times of pure, unadulterated joy. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg
Mamma Mia! Musical brings us back to the times of pure, unadulterated joy. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg

Why is Mamma Mia! Musical so popular?

Mamma Mia! Musical has grossed over US$4 million at the box office and premiered in more than 450 major cities worldwide, faster than any other historical musical. Produced in 16 languages and viewed by more than 65 million people worldwide, the enduring element of Mamma Mia! Musical certainly goes beyond ABBA’s chart-topping music.

At the crux of the narrative is the powerful love between mother and daughter, sisterhood, friendship, self-discovery, and so much more. The bond between Donna and Sophie is palpable, as is the chemistry between Donna and the Dynamos.

The unmissable bond between mother and daughter. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg
The unmissable bond between mother and daughter. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg

Standout performances

Jess Michelmore, who helms the lead role of 20-year-old Sophie, is easily the show's most prominent attraction with her dynamic vocals. Her struggle to seek out her biological father deepens her sense of self-identity and discovery. By sneaking a peak into her mother’s diary and secretly making the decision to find her father without her mother's knowledge, we see a budding woman who has a mind of her own yet, at the same time, is desperately trying to find the missing piece to herself.

Special mention goes to the Donna and the Dynamos, who undoubtedly gave us the best return on investment in ticket prices. The trio’s chemistry, music and dance numbers, and their blindingly, outrageously out-of-this-world costumes are so much more than eye candies. Each time the ladies appear, the audience is sure to sit up, gasp and lap up their electrifying performances.

Sara Poyzer, as Donna, the single mother with an exciting past, is central to moving the plot along. Together with her besties, three-time divorcee Tanya, played by Sarah Earnshaw, gives a hilarious take on "Does your mother know?" and Rosie, played by Nicky Swift’s “Take a chance on me” are thoroughly enjoyable and lap-slapping fun with the right nuances and at times, sexual innuendoes alluding to their colourful lives in their younger days. The trio is truly a force to reckon with.

Expect music, dance and unbridled joy in the show. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg.
Expect music, dance and unbridled joy in the show. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg.

Is Mamma Mia! Musical family-friendly?

Having said that, Mamma Mia! Musical is definitely a show befitting the entire family, from the very old to the young, with the theatre admitting children as young as four. Very gentle parental guidance is advised for specific scenes with sexual innuendoes, as mentioned above. However, nothing in the show should alarm any child exposed to modern television programmes.

Is Mamma Mia! musical worth it?

If there is a bone to pick, it has to be the set meant to evoke the serenity and beauty of the legendary Greek islands. This is one area where movie versions far surpass the theatrical production. Using whitewashed blocks of concrete-like walls and blue wooden doors reconfigured for scenes is clever but appears too simple on a stage such as the Sands Theatre. Much could be done to allude to the ambiance of the beautiful Greek island that lured wide-eyed Donna to settle down for good. Perhaps, the sounds of seagulls and the presence of sand would add more to the set?

While the set remains basic, the costumes, especially the ABBA-like performance outfits, are anything but. As the cast wholeheartedly belted out "Dancing Queen…”, the audience got on our feet and grooved to the music spontaneously, feeling the “…having the time of [y]our life…” every bit in our soul.

Mamma Mia! Musical has a unique quality that transports us to a time of pure, unadulterated joy, allowing us to lap up the euphoria elicited by the unabashed flamboyance of the dedicated cast. So bring your partner, besties, granny, your toddler and embrace the unbridled fun at Mamma Mia! Musical, now showing at Sands Theatre, Marina Bay Sands.

The three potential dads bring a special element to each of their character. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg
The three potential dads bring a special element to each of their character. PHOTO: Brinkhoff-Moegenburg

How long will Mamma Mia Musical be showing?

Produced by Judy Craymer, Richard East & Björn Ulvaeus for Littlestar in association with Universal and NGM and presented in Singapore by Base Entertainment Asia, Mamma Mia! will be playing in Singapore for a limited season from now until 5 November 2023 at the Sands Theatre, Marina Bay Sands. The show is 150 minutes long with a 20-minute intermission.

Get up to 15% off Mamma Mia tickets!

Get 15% off Mamma Mia! Musical

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