Malaysian students fall sick from rotten eggs at MARA college

The top priority for any food and beverage establishment, regardless of its size, should be ensuring food safety. However, recently this has been a recurring problem for many establishments. On 31 Oct 2023, students at MARA Junior Science College (MRSM) in Kuala Klawang, Negeri Sembilan, were served rotten eggs, resulting in multiple cases of food poisoning.

Rotten egg incident - Eggs
Credit: Weird Kaya

As per a now-deleted Facebook post from Amira Alia Faizul, the college eatery allegedly served students rotten eggs despite their unattractive appearance. The accompanying distressing images clearly displayed black veins on the hard-boiled eggs.

Rotten egg incident - Maggots
Credit: Weird Kaya

However, there was more to it — another photo depicted maggots emerging from a portion of meat.

According to Amira, this isn’t the first case that the eatery served rotten food to students despite the canteen operator’s promises to not let such incidents happen again.

Rotten Eggs Incident - Egg 2
Credit: Weird Kaya

“This led to numerous cases of food poisoning among Form 4 and Form 5 students who are about to take important exams. These occurrences not only afflict them with illnesses but also impede their capacity to study efficiently,” said Amira in her post.

She also reached out to Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) chairman Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki in the post to terminate the canteen operator’s licence.

Rotten Egg Incident - Official statement

He responded to this incident with an official statement on Facebook and requested a full investigation from MARA’s management. Dr Asyraf urges the management to take decisive action and ensure that cases like this do not recur.

“My principle in student welfare matters is NO COMPROMISE with any cafeteria contractor who takes a lax and careless approach to student food provision. Don’t just pursue profit at the expense of others’ well-being. Profit from dishonesty surely brings no blessings,” wrote Dr Asyraf.

One can only hope that such occurrences will not recur and that those responsible for this negligence are held accountable.

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