Lizzo Shuts Down the Idea That Plus-Size People Should Only Work Out to “Escape Fatness”

lizzo at the 2023 met gala karl lagerfeld a line of beauty held at the metropolitan museum of art on may 1, 2023 in new york, new york photo by lexie morelandwwd via getty images
Lizzo Says She Isn’t Trying to Be ThinLexie Moreland - Getty Images

Lizzo knows that there's more to living a healthy life other than trying to lose weight.

In a new video posted earlier this week, the "Truth Hurts" singer responded to a TikTok user expressing their desire to connect with other plus-size people who value fitness and health—but not in an attempt to "escape fatness."

"I know that [with] what I'm doing, weight loss comes with the territory, but I’m not trying to escape fatness," TikTok user @tiffriahgrande said.

"Heavy on the 'not trying to escape fatness.' Heavy fucking on it," Lizzo said in her response.

The Grammy winner went on to explain that, though she enjoys her physically demanding career, her subsequent decision to work out is never in an effort to lose weight. Instead, she prioritizes health and exercise in order to feel good internally.

"I have a very high performance job. For 90 minutes a night, I have to do choreography, I have to sing, I have to dance, I have to rap, and I have to play the flute. And I have to emote and hype a crowd in very tight clothes," she continued. "As I got more professional in my career, I started to take the physical part more seriously. I’ve always loved moving my body, I’ve always loved working out. I’ve always been super into being holistic conscious, ‘cause when you say ‘health conscious’ it’s very loaded. But I’m very holistically conscious, like I am very hippy dippy and woo woo when it comes to food and supplements and just thinking about my body and the environment."

Lizzo then shut down the judgment that people often project onto people who look like her. "I think a lot of people see a fat person that way and immediately just assume that everything they’re doing is to be thin. I’m not trying to be thin. I don’t ever want to be thin," she said.

"When my body fluctuates from this size, will I get a little smaller depending on some of the choices I make? Or a little bigger depending on some of the choices I make in my life? Yes. I’m used to fluctuating. However, the goal is always here," she added, pointing to her head."Exercise has helped me shift my mind, not my body. My body is gonna change. Everyone’s body changes. That’s life. Thats what the human existence is. You a baby and your body continue to change forever until it stop. And it’s gonna keep changing after that, too, because you gon’ be dust. But, embracing the fact that your body changes, that’s a part of it."

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