Lizzo shares empowering message on "not wanting to escape fatness"

lizzo shares message on
Lizzo on "not wanting to escape fatness" John Shearer - Getty Images

All hail Queen Lizzo! The musician has once again proven what an icon she is, taking to TikTok to share an empowering message on body confidence and remind fans – and critics – that she isn't trying to "escape fatness" by working out and living holistically.

"I'm not trying to escape fatness," she said at the start of her video, going on to emphasise that she has a "very high performance job" that requires a lot of physical fitness.

"I have to do choreography. I have to sing. I have to dance. I have to rap. And I have to play the flute. And I have to emote and hype up the crowd. In very tight clothes, sometimes clothes where it restricts my breathing," she explained. "It's fun. I love my job. But it takes a lot of physical endurance to do what I do."

"As I got more professional in my career. I started to take the physical part more seriously," Lizzo went on, pointing out that she's "always loved" working out and making holistic choices, which she leaned into further to support her physical and mental health as well as her career.

lizzo shares message on
John Shearer - Getty Images

"I think a lot of people see a fat person that way [living holistically] and immediately just assume everything they're doing is to be thin," she said. "I'm not trying to be thin. I don't ever want to be thin."

Lizzo then pointed out that it's normal for someone's body – hers included – to fluctuate depending on the "choices" they're making. "I'm used to fluctuating," she said, adding that the most important thing to her is how she feels, not looks.

"Exercise has helped me shift my mind, not my body," the musician added, explaining that those post-workout endorphins mean: "I don't look at myself in the mirror and feel ashamed of myself or feel disgusted with myself."

"My body is gonna change. Everyone's bodies change. That's life. That's what the human existence is," Lizzo went on, ending her message by saying that if her body isn't happy, "none of this is happy".

Well said, Lizzo!

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