Barack Obama, Prince William And Ministry Of Defence Post Touching Tributes To Queen On Day Of State Funeral

Photo credit: Pool/Tim Graham Picture Library - Getty Images
Photo credit: Pool/Tim Graham Picture Library - Getty Images

Prime Minister Liz Truss, President and First Lady of the United States, and Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, led the tributes to Queen Elizabeth II on Monday morning, the day of her state funeral.

Joe Biden wrote: 'Today Jill and I signed the Official Condolence Book for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II [sic].'

The First Lady also honoured Her Majesty by writing: 'Queen Elizabeth II lived her life for the people she served with wisdom and grace. We will never forget her warmth, kindness, and the conversations we shared. May God grant her eternal rest [sic].'

'We first met the Queen in 1982, and will always remember her kindness and hospitality. Her legacy will loom large in the pages of British history, and in the story of our world.'

Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, wrote: 'Beautiful sunset in London on the eve of the funeral of HM The Queen.'

Dr Amir Khan tweeted: 'Morning. A day of reflection. A day that will be difficult for many who have lost their own loved ones. Grief is the price we pay for love, however you’re feeling, know you’re not alone.'

President of The Republic of Kenya simply shared a message about attending the state funeral, writing: 'Arrived in London, United Kingdom, to attend the funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.'

Barack Obama, posted a video to Twitter of one of his own encounters with Her Majesy, saying: 'Michelle and I were lucky enough to know Her Majesty The Queen. Back when we were just beginning to navigate life as President and First Lady, she welcomed us to the world stage with extraordinary generosity. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family and those mourning her passing.'

The Archbishop of Canterbury, who led the service today at Westminster Abbey, said it had been the 'honour of a lifetime':

Kier Starmer, leader of the UK's Labour Party had this to say:

Britain's Ministry of Defence shared their thoughts today, beginning with the touching send off 'Thank you, Ma'am':

The Queen, who died aged 96 at Balmoral Castle, after a historic 70-year reign, is being buried this evening with her late husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Prior to the Queen's state funeral today, the world reacted to her death with heartfelt statement and messages, including her children, grandchildren and other members of the royal family.

Princess Anne (Princess Royal), released a moving statement on Tuesday, September 13, in which the Queen's only daughter revealed she was 'fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest mother's life'.

At the time, the 72-year-old, who was with her mother's coffin as it travelled from Edinburgh to London that evening, began: 'I was fortunate to share the last 24 hours of my dearest mother's life.'

She continued: 'It has been an honour and a privilege to accompany her on her final journeys.

'Witnessing the love and respect shown by so many on these journeys has been humbling and uplifting.'

Elsewhere, she wrote: 'We may have been reminded how much of her presence and contribution to our national identity we took for granted.'

Princess Anne concluded: 'To my mother, The Queen, thank you.'

Days before, the Queen's grandson Prince Harry shared a touching sentiment, in which he recalled the 'first moment' Her Majesty met his 'darling wife' Meghan Markle and hugged her 'beloved grandchildren', Archie, three, and Lilibet ('Lili'), one.

Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images

He added: 'Granny, while this final parting brings us great sadness, I am forever grateful for all of our first meetings. You are already sorely missed, not just by us, but by the world over.'

Prince William explained in his statement that 'while I will grieve her loss, I also feel incredibly grateful'.

He continued: 'I have had the benefit of The Queen's wisdom and reassurance into my fifth decade. My wife has had twenty years of her guidance and support. My three children have got to spend holidays with her and create memories that will last their whole lives.

Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images
Photo credit: Tim Graham - Getty Images

'She was by my side at my happiest moments. And she was by my side during the saddest days of my life. I knew this day would come, but it will be some time before the reality of life without Grannie will truly feel real.'

And in Charles' first address to the nation as King Charles III, he said of his mother: 'We owe her the most heartfelt debt any family could owe to their mother for her love, affection, guidance, understanding and example.

Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images
Photo credit: WPA Pool - Getty Images

'Queen Elizabeth was a life well lived, a promise of destiny kept and she's mourned most deeply in her party. That promise of lifelong service I renew to you all today.'

He spoke of the 'deep sense of gratitude' he had for his mother and later recalled the pledge she made during a broadcast from Cape Town in 1947, on her 21st birthday.

'At the time, she promised to devote her life, whether it be short or long, to the service of her people. 'That was more than a promise, it was a profound personal commitment which defined her whole life,' he said.

'Her dedication and devotion to sovereign never wavered.'

World leaders outside of the royal family have also honoured the Queen during the mourning period that followed her death.

Joe Biden 'conveyed the great admiration of the American people for the Queen, whose dignity and constancy deepened the enduring friendship and special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom'.

As per White House, this was said during a phone call with the King.

Her previously shared a joint statement with First Lady Jill Biden, in which they referred to the Queen as 'more than a monarch. She defined an era'.

They later added: 'She charmed us with her wit, moved us with her kindness, and generously shared with us her wisdom.'

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan referred to the Queen having 'served for 70 years with unrivalled grace, dignity and purpose' in his statement.

France's president Emmanuel Macron wrote: 'I remember her as a friend of France, a kind-hearted queen who has left a lasting impression on her country and her century.'

The Queen's final resting place in Windsor castle beside her husband is also next to her father King George VI and mother, Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.

Today officially marks the last day of national mourning for the Queen.

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