My Dumb Little Brain Just Got Completely Blown After I Saw These 22 Absolutely Fascinating Pictures For The First Time Last Week

1.This is what a lion's fang looks like compared to a cat's fang:

The cat's fang is about the length of a quarter and very skinny, while the lion's fang is about half the size of a person's palm

Can you tell which is which?

u/the_lady_bird / Via

2.In Finland, the largest container of mayonnaise is labeled "American size":

The tub holds 600 grams and is officially labeled American size by the brand that sells  it


u/malafider / Via

3.This is how big Antarctica is compared to the United States:

Antarctica is superimposed over a world map, and the width is almost the same as the US, while the length runs from Guatemala to the north of Canada

4.Speaking of which, this is what Antarctica would look like if all the ice melted:

Instead of one large mass, there are now several islands surrounding a larger mass with lots of lakes
u/spike-and-daisy / Via

5.The different ways to say something like "it's the bees knees" in different languages are incredible:

The other versions include "dog's bollocks" from England, "duck's nuts" from Australia, "cow's vagina" from China, and "baby Jesus in velvet underpants" from France

I got to give it up to the French here.

u/dannydutch1 / Via

6.Submarines are really, really big:

The photo is from very far away, and yet the submarine takes up the whole frame; the people walking on board look like ants

This is the Russian submarine Dmitry Donskoy and those tiny things on it are people.

Afp Contributor / AFP via Getty Images

7.This is what the inside of a grenade looks like:

Half a grenade has been removed to reveal what it looks like inside, which features a spring, pin, and a powder at the bottom

Never thought about this.

u/legendary_Russian / Via

8.Couches, my friend...couches can be really, really big:

A sofa posted online for sale, and it is extremely long; it sits in a straight line and has seating for 15 people

Anyone want to go in on the Long Couch?


9.This is the difference between modern-day corn and its pre-domesticated form:

The two look completely different, with the pre-domesticated form being much smaller, a different color, and with significantly fewer kernels
u/thiccbegs / Via

10.This is what the painting directly across from the Mona Lisa looks like:

It's a huge painting of a wedding reception in Greece, featuring countless people on a patio with a blue sky overhead

11.These two 12-pound dumbbells belonged to Frederick Douglass, who lifted weights every single morning:

Very old hand weights made out of wood

Our nation's greatest gymbro.

The Washington Post / The Washington Post via Getty Images

12.This is what an authentic, mint condition Woodstock 1969 ticket looks like:

The ticket shows it was for three days and cost $18; it has been sealed in an appraiser container and rated as gem mint 10

13.Speaking of tickets, here's what one to the 2000 Sydney Olympics looked like:

The ticket has multiple designs on it, including a reflective foil circle
u/kmo11 / Via

14.This is Franz Reichelt sporting a homemade parachute suit that he was confident would save him if he jumped off the Eiffel Tower:

A man in a black-and-white photo with a large piece of cloth attached to his suit with several straps

15.This is what a can of Coca-Cola looks like in Saudi Arabia:

Instead of having an aluminum top with a pop tab, the whole top is covered with paper that needs to be pulled back

That's a fine can.

u/was99fm / Via

16.This is what Japan's Mount Fuji looks like from Gotemba City:

The photo is overlooking the city, which is dwarfed by the large mountain behind it

Ain't that somethin'.

Yuichi Yamazaki / AFP via Getty Images

17.This is apparently an eighth grade test from 1912. Are you passing it?

The test is divided into sections for grammar, geography, physiology, and civil government

Feel free to describe the heart in the comments.

u/flares117 / Via

18.An Ancient Egyptian cemetery dating back to the New Kingdom and 1,500 BC was recently discovered in Egypt. This is the inside of a high priest's daughter's coffin:

The coffin features an outline of a person with several kneeling figures beside it

19.Some scallops have a ton of tiny little blue eyes:

The small eyes can be seen on their body directly underneath their shell; there are several of them side by side along the length of the body

20.This is what the planet Mercury looks like up close:

The surface of the planet is covered in craters, with one spot looking like something exploded and sent streaks flying in every direction

In case you were wondering.

Nasa / Getty Images

21.This is what Napoleon's toothbrush looked like:

The bottom of the toothbrush is engraved with the letter N, and the head with bristles is significantly larger than the toothbrushes of today

22.And, finally, this is what a one ton block of cheese looks like:

The cheese is a giant cylinder, seemingly about the size of an adult person

Wow. Incredible.