Little India’s Tekka Centre reopens on 1 Oct after 3-month renovation

Following an extensive renovation that began on 3 Jul, Little India‘s big hub, Tekka Centre, reopened on 1 Oct. Works on the second floor, allocated to retail stores, was completed on 31 Aug. Repair and redecoration work on level 1, which houses cooked food and wet market stalls was completed a month later.

Tekka Centre reopens - Opening Ceremony

The newly renovated Tekka Market & Food Centre’s reopening was a big affair, with Tanjong Pagar GRC MP and Minister of State for Trade and Industry, and Culture, Community and Youth, Alvin Tan, christening its opening ceremony on 31 Sep to an enormous crowd.

Tekka Centre reopens - Exterior

Frequent visitors to Little India will be glad to learn that the colourful walls of the building have not been replaced, though the do brandish a refreshed purple paint scheme.

Tekka Centre reopens - Toilet

Among the many improvements made are refurbishments to toilets along with the hawker centre’s tables and chairs. To combat the issue of bird infestation, bird nets and anti-bird spikes have also been installed, according to The Straits Times. Diners keen on revisiting the various Indian stalls can thus look forward to a more conducive eating space, especially with bigger fans cooling the place.

In addition, Mr Tan has also alluded to further developments on Facebook, “But we’re not quite done yet. We have a few surprises in store which we will complete in a few months to add to Tekka Centre. Watch this space!”

Tekka's Centre reopening - Stall collage

While occupancy has fallen to 96% of its 216 market stalls that include 119 hawker and 68 lock-up stalls, most hawkers have returned to serve up the same fresh food that Tekka Centre is known for.

Online sentiments were mixed at best when news of Tekka Centre’s renovation first went public. But seeing how netizens have responded to the new facilities, it’s safe to say this agonising 3-month wait has definitely been worth it.

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