Lin Gengxin is going back to school?

13 May - It was reported that Lin Gengxin is going back to school to obtain his doctorate.

According to Oriental Daily, rumours of the "Legend of Shen Li" actor pursuing his studies sparked after a list of 2024 doctoral candidates of Shanghai Theatre Academy circulated online, revealing one of the candidates' name to be "Lin Gengxin".

When asked about it, a staff of the admissions office confirmed this, saying that it was Lin himself, and not someone that shares the same name.

"Every candidate is the same. There will be no special treatment and the reexamination will be based on normal enrolment process," the staff said.

It was reported that the admission interview is expected to be held in early to mid-June and that Lin will be required to take additional examination for equivalent academic qualifications.

The admission brochure also revealed that the academic duration for the said degree is four years.

The actor most recently seen in 'The Legend of Shen Li'
The actor most recently seen in 'The Legend of Shen Li'

(Photo Source: Lin Gengxin Weibo, On CC)