Lily Collins’ pure white highlights are so unexpected

Lily Collins is everywhere right now promoting season 3 of Emily in Paris and to celebrate, the actor has been pictured with a new hairstyle. Commonly sporting sleek bobs and perfectly waved ponytails, she often channels Audrey Hepburn vibes and she does it so well. That's why I was nearing shooketh when I opened up Instagram to see her with bright white highlights that were more sci-fi than rom-com.

The look was created by mastermind hairstylist Gregory Russell, entrusted with the locks of Kate Hudson, Anya Taylor Joy, and Claire Foy. Gregory really flipped our expectations for Lily on their head (or on hers), giving her a wavy wet-look shag haircut that's grungy and gritty — and about as far from Audrey as it gets.

But the scene stealer really is those snowy, pure white highlights. I'm trying to work out how they were cooked up as it's clear from other recent photos that they haven't been permanently dyed. It could be a wig, but my main suspicion is teeny tiny bond extensions, attaching the highlights into Lily's own hair, with the clever waving creating a shag effect on her long bob.

Combined with the grungy styling, I now want to see Lily in some gritty road trip movie on tour with her band. Producers you have been told.

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