Lili Reinhart on getting herself "in hot water" for calling out celebs "promoting" disordered eating

Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images
Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images

Lili Reinhart – star of Netflix's newest must-see movie, Look Both Ways – has opened up about the backlash she's received for criticising other celebrities, particularly when it comes to what she describes as "promoting unhealthy habits".

Chatting to IndieWire, Lili revealed that her decision to speak out on certain topics has landed her in "hot water" and the fall out often impacts her mental health. "When someone is talking about disordered eating or promoting unhealthy habits, that’s where I have to step in," the actor said.

To recap, earlier this year Lili took to social media to criticise Kim Kardashian's Met Gala weight loss. "To walk on a red carpet and do an interview where you say how starving you are... because you haven't eaten carbs in the last month... all to fit in a f*cking dress? So wrong. So f*cked on 100s of levels," the Riverdale actor wrote on her Instagram Story. "To openly admit to starving yourself for the sake of the Met Gala. When you know very well that millions of young men and women are looking up to you and listening to your every word. The ignorance is other-worldly disgusting."

Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images
Photo credit: Emma McIntyre - Getty Images

Reflecting on what pushed her to speak out, Lili told IndieWire: "I’m thinking, 'You’re harming me and you’re triggering me, which means you must be triggering millions of other people who are hearing what you say'."

She went on, "It gets me in hot water, but I guess I’d rather be in hot water than just be someone who doesn’t stand for anything."

As for the knock on effect on her wellbeing, the 25-year-old went on: "There’s nothing more horrifying than seeing your name trend on Twitter, I’ll tell you that."

Lili continued, "There’s no guidebook here, no one teaches you how to wake up to 20,000 tweets telling you that you should kill yourself or you should get a nose job or that you’re fat. Whatever the case may be, you just don’t sign up for that and no one actually teaches you how to handle that, you’re just expected to."

But, the Riverdale star said this isn't going to stop her from sticking up for her beliefs. "If I have to become someone who maybe has an 'annoying' reputation, cool, so be it," she said. "I don’t really walk around thinking, 'Oh, I have to be such a role model'."

Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images
Photo credit: Gotham - Getty Images

"I’m just thinking of when I was 15, when I was even 12, the only person I heard speaking about their mental health was Demi Lovato, and I was like, 'Wow, that’s so cool and interesting to hear this person who has a television show and hit records and clearly has money and glamour, and yet they’re speaking about bipolar disorder'."

She went on, "I just thought that was so profound, and I would hope that young men and women today can at least have a couple more examples of that and just see behind the bullsh*t, because it’s all bullsh*t."

If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s health, you can contact Beat, the UK’s eating disorder charity, 365 days a year on 0808 801 0677 or

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