Wu Chun wants his kids to study in China

26 Jan – Brunei-born Wu Chun recently revealed that he has plans to send his two children Nei Nei and Max to study in China.

As reported on Oriental Daily, the singer, who sat down for an interview, shared that he originally planned to have his kids studying in Australia, but changed his mind due to the pandemic.

He continued saying that he had since discussed with his wife and they both think that it's a better direction for them to bring their children to study in China instead.

"Coming here this time, it's not just for work. We also went to look at schools," he said.

When the interviewer said that the kids studying in China would be helpful for them to learn Chinese, Wu agreed, and added, "This is what I want... A little over a month here is better [for their Chinese] than five months in Brunei because everybody speaks Chinese to them."

Wu also said that he would love for his children to be better at Chinese than him, and hopes the two of them will be grateful to him in the long run.

The happy family while on holiday recently
The happy family while on holiday recently

(Photo Source: Wu Chun Instagram)