Liang Ji 梁記 strikes again! Launches Legendary Trinity Fried 3-in-1

I know what you’re going to say. “Oh no Aaron, not him again?!” Yes I’m bringing Liang Ji 梁記 back again in my writeup. Why? Chef Dominic Neo has just launched what he calls the “Legendary Trinity Fried 3-In-1” at his Telok Blangah hawker stall— read on to find out what on earth that is.

liang ji strikes again - chef dominic
liang ji strikes again - chef dominic

If you think being a hawker is easy, you are absolutely wrong. They face so much pressure in their daily lives, standing for hours in humid uncomfortable environments, competing against other hawkers for business during peak hours, constantly innovating and finding out what works and what doesn’t (reminds me of my job as a food content writer), the list goes on…

Chef Dominic isn’t the most well-liked hawker in Singapore. He constantly finds himself being criticised about his attitude and even getting hate websites specially made for him just to get him ridiculed.

But what I respect about him is his resilience and gung-ho personality— many of us would have given up being in his shoes.

liang ji strikes again - legendary trinity
Credit – Liang Ji

His Legendary Trinity Fried 3-in-1 (S$10) features three of his signature dishes in one plate— char kway teow, carrot cake and fried oyster— perfect for indecisive people like me. It’s already hard work cooking a single item, much less cooking three different dishes and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle.

That’s not all— you’re allowed to decide if you prefer black or white carrot cake, and also given the option to choose between Teochew, Penang or mala-style char kway teow— you’ll be spoiled for choice once again… oh, the irony!

liang ji strikes again - humster
Credit – Liang Ji

If you think that’s all, hold your horses. He has also created Sausage Fried Rice (S$6 for small, S$8 for large) which is served in a heart shape, and also Fried Humsters (S$8 for small, S$10 for large) (almost resembling that ridiculous cockles-loaded Char Kway Teow that my dear Malaysian colleague, Reena, reviewed about recently).

It’s basically hum luah, the cockles version of orh luak. How many times have you seen this dish being served at other hawker stalls in Singapore? I would say almost none.

Pay a visit to Liang Ji 梁記 and try his new creations or go for his usual signature dishes, and let me know if you like it.

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