Li Yifeng detained for soliciting prostitutes

12 Sep – Following his denial over rumours that he was arrested for soliciting prostitutes, it was revealed that Chinese actor Li Yifeng has now been detained for those charges.


As reported on WhatsonWeibo, on 11 September, the Beijing police announced that they have detained a man surnamed Li, which the media later confirmed to be the actor.

It is noted that prior to the announcement, Li's studio issued a statement saying that it was just a rumour, though the statement was later deleted.

On the other hand, several brands have now announced termination of partnership with Li, including Prada, Sensodyne, and Remy Martin, while L'Oreal and Budweiser also seemed to have deleted all traces of Li from its Weibo accounts.

At the same time, Li's name as one of the celebrities to attend CCTV's Mid-Autumn Festival Gala has also been deleted.

Li Yifeng is most known for playing Mao Zedong in 'The Pioneer'
Li Yifeng is most known for playing Mao Zedong in 'The Pioneer'

(Photo Source: Li Yifeng Instagram, SOHU)