Let’s Break Down the ‘Ginny & Georgia’ Season 2 Ending, Shall We?

Let’s Break Down the ‘Ginny & Georgia’ Season 2 Ending, Shall We?

For a while, it seemed like our sweet peach Georgia Miller would finally get her happy ending. But life had other plans. Just as expected, the Ginny & Georgia season 2 finale completely changed the game for our characters as they dealt with Georgia’s past and her possible future with Paul. But there’s still someone out to get her, and family secrets soon turned to town gossip as the wedding of a lifetime went completely sideways.

If you’re still reeling from that giant finale, then trust us, you’re not alone. But we’ve got you covered with all the details you might have missed that will definitely play a big part in the show’s next season.

Here’s the ultimate recap of Ginny & Georgia season 2’s finale.

First of all, how was everyone doing?

I mean…how would you be doing if your mom’s abusive ex came to town, tried to blackmail your mom, and then tried attacking her only for your little brother to shoot him?! And yet Gil still didn’t go down without a fight. He tried to pick up Austin from school, but Georgia warned him to back off. Gil replied that she’d better get Austin to trust him again or else he’d “make [her] life hell.”

Meanwhile, Ginny didn’t have it any easier at school. She talked to Max about her breakup with Marcus, and it was clear that neither of them were over it. Joe shared his frustration with Georgia’s small business Saturday idea, which is clearly tied more so to his anger at Georgia for rejecting him. At dinner with Zion, he revealed to Ginny that he knew she dropped AP English and said he’d pay for a college extension class, which she happily accepted, especially since it’ll give her more space from Marcus.

ginny georgia antonia gentry as ginny in episode 201 of ginny georgia cr courtesy of netflix © 2022

Max was at Blue Farm getting coffee with Sophie, who revealed that she and her boyfriend broke up. Max was surprised and realized Sophie asked her out for coffee to try to reconcile things and be friends. Max reminded Sophie that she was the one who pushed Max away, and although she’s been working hard to move on, she wasn’t ready to be just friends.

Trying to cheer Ginny up, Max came and stole Ginny away for a fun night out. She also revealed to Ginny and Georgia that Marcus’s depression returned.

Did Georgia have a plan to deal with Gil?

As always, Georgia tried to stay one step ahead…except her next step involved running away (again). Ginny managed to put the pieces together while hanging out with MANG and headed off to stop her. When she got home, she called the wedding venue and found out Georgia canceled. Over at the Baker house, Georgia had a heart-to-heart with Ellen and thanked her for their friendship.

At a party in the basement, Marcus said he’s been looking for Ginny. Realizing her absence, Hunter offered him a beer and the two had a talk about what happened between them after Ginny chose Marcus. The rest of MANG showed up and Max, realizing that Marcus was now drunk, took him back home. They were discovered by Georgia and Ellen, who told them to go straight to their rooms. Then as Georgia left, she saw Marcus smoking weed in the garage.

Georgia joined him and he told her that he broke up with her because he wanted to keep his promise not to hold her back. Georgia told him that she was harsh with him before, but she’s grateful Ginny knows what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone who cares about her. Marcus thanked her and also said he is keeping her other secret as well, causing her to panic and run back home.

At the Millers’, Ginny told her mom she can’t continue to run away and needs to come clean to Paul about everything in her life. Thinking back to her conversation with Marcus, Georgia said she feels like she’s going to drag Paul down with all her secrets. Ginny told her that she does, in fact, deserve happiness and she should at least try to see if he’ll accept her before deciding to leave.

So, did she tell him?

Surprisingly, Georgia told Paul (almost) everything. She even talked about Gil, although she did leave out some of the murders because, let’s be honest here, it’s probably for the best. Paul understandably got angry about the whole situation and walked out of the house.

Ginny went over to the Bakers’ house to talk with Marcus about his depression and how she made it about herself instead of really hearing him out. She said seeing her mom admit everything to Paul made her realize what she wants in a relationship and promised she’ll be his friend no matter what.

ginny georgia l to r felix mallard as marcus baker, antonia gentry as ginny in episode 201 of ginny georgia cr amanda matlovichnetflix © 2022
Amanda Matlovich - Netflix

The next morning, Georgia woke up to a text from Paul asking her to meet him in his office. While she initially thought it might be a trap to turn her over to the police, Georgia pushed her fears aside and met with him anyway.

What happened next?!

Georgia went to city hall and saw Paul with a police officer and a lawyer. She asked if she’s being arrested, but he just asked her to sit down instead. Suddenly, Gil appeared and was surprised to see everyone. Paul warned him that everything he has been doing could be deemed harassment, and that would be a violation of his parole. Gil argued that he’d fight for custody of Austin, but Paul told him that he and his lawyer were ready to fight for “his wife and his stepson.”

After Gil and everyone else left, Paul told Georgia that he spent all night thinking about everything she told him. He told her that even though he knew it would be dumb to marry her knowing all she had done, he loved her too much to walk away.

Georgia ran home to tell Ginny the good news but panicked when she realized that she canceled the wedding venue already. Ginny simply told her not to worry.

ginny georgia brianne howey as georgia in episode 201 of ginny georgia cr amanda matlovichnetflix © 2022
Amanda Matlovich - Netflix

Did Georgia get her fairy-tale wedding?

It was finally the big day, and Georgia walked out to find a horse and carriage waiting for her outside. Ginny said that a close friend (aka Joe) let her borrow the horse, whose name is Milkshake.

As they rode to the venue, Nick told “Jesse” to get ready…but he revealed to Nick that he’s actually a PI who had been hiding his identity in order to look into Georgia. Nick told Gabriel that he didn’t want to see him again, but Gabriel said he needed to at least tell him everything he knew about Georgia.

ginny georgia l to r scott porter as mayor paul randolph, brianne howey as georgia in episode 206 of ginny georgia cr courtesy of netflix © 2022

Ginny and Georgia arrived at city hall, which was beautifully redecorated for the wedding. After the couple said their vows and went to party, Ginny made a special speech before the first dance. As everyone enjoyed the moment, police officers rushed in with Gabriel and told Georgia that she was being arrested for the murder of Tom Fuller.

Outside, as Georgia was put in a cop car, the wedding guests started freaking out. Austin tried to chase after the car while promising he didn’t tell anyone that he saw her kill Tom. In a mid-credits scene, Georgia was seen posing for her mug shot, holding up a sign with her new name: Georgia Randolph.

What does this mean for season 3 of Ginny & Georgia?!

Well, first of all, let’s hope the show does come back for a third season. With a renewal still pending, it’s anyone’s guess if it’ll come back. But if it does, we’ll definitely see Ginny and Paul working together to try to get Georgia out. Also, I don’t know about y’all, but I did not see Nick at the wedding—did he have something to do with Georgia getting arrested? Hopefully we’ll get answers ASAP.


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