Lala Hsu and Hung Pei-Yu get most GMA nominations

18 May – Lala Hsu and Hung Pei-Yu are leading the nominations for this year's Golden Melody Awards.

As reported on Mingpao, Lala, who competes with her album, "Gei" that was released in June last year, earns eight nominations including Best Composer, Best Female Singer (Mandarin), and Best Mandarin Album.

She is also nominated for Best Album Producer and Song of the Year.

Hung Pei-Yu receives nominations for 'Silver Lining'
Hung Pei-Yu receives nominations for 'Silver Lining'
Lala Hsu made it big with 'Gei'
Lala Hsu made it big with 'Gei'

Her biggest contender is Hung Pei-Yu, who won admiration for her debut album, "Silver Lining". Nominated for Best Female Singer (Mandarin), Best Newcomer, Best Mandarin Album and Song Of The Year among others, she is also set to compete with Lala in the Best Female Singer (Mandarin) category.

Others who will compete alongside the two are Yu Kewei, A-Lin, Penny Tai, and Lexie Liu.

Meanwhile, Jay Chou, who made his album comeback with "Greatest Works Of Art" is only nominated for Song of the Year for the titular track.

Jay's new album only gets one nomination
Jay's new album only gets one nomination

(Photo Source: Lala Hsu IG, Jay Chou IG, Hung Pei-Yu IG)