King Charles Shares That One of His Favorite Songs is French in a Touching State Banquet Speech

king charles iii and queen camilla visit france day one
King Charles Shares One of His Favorite SongsChristian Liewig - Corbis - Getty Images

Tomorrow, King Charles is due to make a major address at the French Senate, becoming the first British royal ever to do so. However, this evening he made the first speech of his three-day state visit at a glittering banquet at the Palace of Versailles.

"My parents’ first official visit together was to France in 1948, shortly after their wedding," the King said after he had thanked the French people for their warm wishes following the death of his late mother. "By all accounts, they made quite a splash, dancing till the early hours at the glamourous Chez Carrere in the Rue Pierre Charron, serenaded by Edith Piaf. I suspect it may have left an indelible impression on me, even six months before I was born—"La Vie en Rose" is one of my favorite songs to this day!"

france paris britain royals elizabeth
Then Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip with President Vincent Auriol and his wife Michelle during a 1948 visit to France.Getty Images

The King delivered most of his speech in French, beginning by saying that he was "delighted" to be in the country and that he and Camilla were "enormously touched" by the welcome they have received. "Your generosity of spirit brings to mind how my family and I were so greatly moved by the tributes paid in France to my mother, the late Queen, whose funeral took place one year ago yesterday," he said. "Mr. President, among the many profoundly moving gestures here, the flying of the Union flag at the Elysée was particularly poignant. Your words, at that time, meant a great dealt to us too."

king charles iii and queen camilla visit france day one in versailles
Queen Camilla, King Charles III, President of France Emmanuel Macron and Brigitte Macron arrive at the Palace of Versailles ahead of the State Dinner.Stephane Cardinale - Corbis - Getty Images

The King described how the welcome he has received since touching down at Orly Airport this afternoon was a symbol of "the enduring relationship between our two countries."

"The connections between our people are myriad, and represent the lifeblood of our Entente Cordiale, which was inspired by my great-great grandfather, King Edward the seventh," he said.

The speech was delivered at the start of a five-course meal made up of French and British dishes and ingredients. The 160 guests were chosen for their contribution to French-British relations."Today, our countries stand together against oppression and in support of the most vulnerable, including those who suffer the devastating impact of natural disaster or conflict - whether in Ukraine, in Libya and in Morocco," the King said.

Charles had intended to make France the destination for his first state visit as King but the country was pipped to the post by Germany after pension protests in France in March forced the Élysée and the Palace to reschedule. Tomorrow, the King will deliver his speech at the Senate as well as visiting Notre Dame Cathedral with Camilla.

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