King Charles’s Meeting With the President of the European Commission is Criticized

britain's king charles iii shakes hands with european commission chief ursula von der leyen
King Charles AARON CHOWN - Getty Images

Since King Charles ascended to the throne, a staple feature of his diary has been hosting audiences with visiting dignitaries. However, one audience today attracted more attention than usual as the King sat down with President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, at Windsor Castle for tea.

The Palace announced earlier today that the meeting would take place and before it had even happened there was prominent criticism. The German politician was in the UK for talks with British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, over Brexit. The discussions focused on securing a deal over the Northern Ireland Protocol, which the BBC has summed up as having been a “source of tension since the UK left the European Union.”

In a short statement ahead the King’s meeting with von der Leyen, the Palace emphasized that it was taking place on advice of the Government. “The King is pleased to meet any world leader if they are visiting Britain and it is the Government’s advice that he should do so,” the statement said. It was understood that the intention was to develop relations and discuss issues such as climate change and Ukraine.

king charles iii meets with european commission chief ursula von der leyen during an audience at windsor castle
King Charles III meets with European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen during an audience at Windsor Castle.AARON CHOWN - Getty Images

However, there were immediate accusations that the King was being dragged into politics, something which the sovereign is constitutionally expected to stay out of. British MP Chris Bryant posed on Twitter, “This is a terrible mistake by the government. We should never bring the monarchy into political disputes.” Former First Minister of Northern Ireland, Baroness Arlene Foster, posted on the same platform, “I cannot quite believe that No10 would ask HM the King to become involved in the finalising of a deal as controversial as this one. It’s crass and will go down very badly in NI.” She added, however, “We must remember this is not the King’s decision but the Government who it appears are tone deaf.” UK publication The Spectator ran a story with the headline “Why King Charles Shouldn’t Meet Ursula von der Leyen.” Writer Alexander Larman declared, “Such a meeting – at a time of political tension – is a mistake.” And prominent politician Jacob Rees-Mogg described the meeting as “constitutionally unwise.”

Shortly before the King met with von der Leyen, the British Prime Minister announced that there had been a "decisive breakthrough" in political discussions. He announced a new Windsor Framework, which is a change to the original Northern Ireland Protocol.

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