King Charles’s Coronation Weekend Allowed Others to Shine

I am probably not the only journalist who watched Queen Elizabeth’s coronation on repeat as Britain prepared to resurrect this ancient ceremony from its 70 year slumber. Thanks to Prince Philip’s forward-thinking enthusiasm for television, it is now possible to compare with great precision the coronation of seven decades ago with that of today. And it will not be lost on many that a set of 1,000-year-old rituals celebrating a system of hereditary privilege ended up being a backdrop to underline just how far Britain has come.

In 1953 there was one star of the show and it was the 27-year-old Queen. She captivated the congregation with her poise and inspired excitement around the world as a young woman taking her exceptional place in a man’s world. But as 74-year-old King Charles sat with the St Edward’s Crown on his head and a sombre expression fixed on his face, it could not spark the same reaction. He was in the spotlight, but this ended up being a coronation with many stars.

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King Charles on his coronation day.EMMANUEL DUNAND - Getty Images

It was impossible to miss the fact that on May 6, diversity and inclusivity were placed front and center. In stark contrast to 1953, just a handful of aristocrats were in Westminster Abbey, with almost half of the seats given instead to charity workers and community champions. While seven decades ago it was almost entirely white men who carried out any important duties, distinguished citizens chosen for key roles this time included Baroness Amos, the first Black woman to become a member of the Cabinet, and the Rt Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin, Britain’s first Black female Bishop.

Other female members of the clergy—something not possible until women could be ordained in the 1990s—participated in the service. Peers representing Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, and Judaism had key responsibilities in a ceremony that skillfully celebrated a multi-faith society amidst the ritual of Christian Holy Communion.

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King Charles III meets multi-faith leaders as he leaves Westminster Abbey after the coronation ceremonies.BEN STANSALL - Getty Images

The first woman ever to walk before the monarch carrying the Sword of State, Lord President of the Privy Council Penny Mourdaunt, was described as “the Pippa Middleton of the coronation.” Her outfit, custom-made by Safiyya, perfectly epitomized a modern twist on tradition. And the fact that she held a heavy sword upright for almost an hour was a feat that inspired its own newspaper investigation.

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Lord President of the Council, Penny Mordaunt, holding the Sword of State, walked ahead of King Charles III during the coronation.WPA Pool - Getty Images

Princess Anne, 72, transformed for the day into the Gold Stick in Waiting, a role that saw her travel on horseback symbolizing her brother's personal bodyguard. As Queen Elizabeth's only daughter, Anne continues to fall behind her brothers in the line of succession. But the new King has made it clear that she remains pivotal to the future of his monarchy.

When his mother was crowned, four-year-old Prince Charles was ushered into the Abbey for the main moment and featured in only a select number of images from the day. By contrast, in the era of high definition television and social media, thousands of pictures and videos of this generation of royal children went viral from before they even stepped out of their car. George, Charlotte, and Louis sparked delight as they reacted to the exceptional scenes and watched the Red Arrows’ flyover from the balcony.

Their parents William and Kate both performed their roles with aplomb. Kensington Palace emphasized that the Princess of Wales was not wearing a tiara, but the glittering headpiece she sported was one in all but name. She wore Princess Diana’s earrings—a powerful reminder that honoring the People’s Princess no longer goes side by side with hating Queen Camilla.

Prince William’s prominence emphasized just how key a figure he will be in his father’s reign. As he knelt before Charles to pay homage then kissed him on the cheek it was both formal and intimate—a reminder of the complexities within this family with its entrenched hierarchy. Prince Harry watched the spectacle unfold then slipped away to return to Meghan and their children in California.

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Prince William gives his father a kiss during an emotional moment in the coronation ceremony.WPA Pool - Getty Images

If there was one part of coronation that did not showcase the best of Britain it was the concerning reports over the treatment of peaceful protestors. The UK’s Culture Secretary told the BBC there were “tough choices” to make on policing. But Republic, which is campaigning for an elected head of state, described the police as “heavy-handed” after a number of their team they say were preparing for peaceful protest were arrested and detained. The Guardian reported last week that new anti-protest laws had been brought in just ahead of the coronation.

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A group protesting King Charles’s coronation.Chris J Ratcliffe - Getty Images

With recent polling showing that 18-24-year-olds are more likely to want an elected head of state, debate will continue to swirl around the royal family, and they will need to work hard to keep people onside. While both King Charles and Queen Camilla attended the coronation concert at Windsor Castle on Sunday evening, neither went to any of the Big Lunch events on Sunday daytime or to events surrounding the day of volunteering on Monday. Instead, family members including Prince William, Kate, and their children as well as Princesses Beatrice and Eugenie, who are not working royals, were dispatched.

Charles knew from a very young age that his position as the supporting act to his mother would last for a long time, and that his job was not to steal the limelight but to play his part in a well-oiled machine. As he finally sits on the throne at the age of 74, it is a philosophy that may well continue to stand him in good stead. The legacy of his reign is yet to be determined. But his was a coronation that gave many others their moment to shine.

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