Kenneth Ma won't think too much about a double Best Actor win

27 Nov – Despite winning Best Actor at the recently held StarHub Night of the Stars 2019 in Singapore, Kenneth Ma admitted that he will not think too much about his chance at the TVB Anniversary Awards.

As reported on On CC, the actor, who spoke about his victory with the media recently, stated that he will look at the two awards as two separate matters.

"Judges' standards can be very different for each and every awards. Winning one doesn't mean you will win the other. I will just go with the flow. I have already done my best," he said.

However, Kenneth confessed that he is also ecstatic that good friend and "Big White Duel" co-stars Natalie Tong and Ali Lee also won at the same event.

"I hope to treat the whole crew to dinner, even if I don't win at the upcoming TVB Awards. Everybody's happiness is the most important," he said.

It is noted that Kenneth has never won TV King in his nearly 20-year career with TVB. He was a strong contender in 2017 for his role in "The Exorcist's Meter", but lost to Vincent Wong instead.

(Photo Source: ON CC)