Kaka Azraff is pregnant with baby number three

15 Feb - Kaka Azraff recently admitted that she is now pregnant with her third child.

The singer, who rocked it out to Ella's "Nuri" at the Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL) recently, was able to give an electrifying performance at the event, despite the fact that she is now in the last month of her second trimester.

"A lot of people didn't notice that I am pregnant, possibly because it didn't show on my face or even my weight. Probably because I have been busy taking care of my second child," she said.

Kaka also stated that she is also getting used to the usual ailments that come with pregnancy, including severe allergies.

"I had severe allergies in the first few months, but since I have been pregnant twice before, I know how to deal with it better," she said, adding that she still accepts offers to do gigs despite her condition.

And although she hopes to have a daughter this time around, Kaka said that she is still happy to know that she will be welcoming another son.

The singer, who tied the knot with businessman Adam Azriff in 2018, is mum to two boys, Aslan and Aryan, the latter who was born in February last year.

Kaka rocked the AJL stage in her sixth month of pregnancy
Kaka rocked the AJL stage in her sixth month of pregnancy
Kaka and Adam are parents of two boys
Kaka and Adam are parents of two boys

(Photo Source: Kaka Azraff IG)