Just 65 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend So You Can Get To Know Each Other Better

Whether you’ve known your partner for years or you just started dating, it’s important to stay curious about your significant other by asking them questions. Why? Because curiosity allows you to connect, develop intimacy, and discover new things about each other that can help keep the relationship fresh, explains clinical psychologist Aura De Los Santos. It’s also an easy way to show them you care and that you’re paying attention.

But TBH, it’s understandable if you’re stuck on what kinds of questions to ask your boyfriend, girlfriend, partner, or spouse—no matter how you define your relationship or how long you’ve been in it. If you’ve only just started dating, it can feel like there's so much to learn about them, you don't even know where to start. And if you’ve been together forever? It might seem like you already know everything there is to know.

That's why we put together a master list of 65 (!) questions to ask your boyfriend (or girlfriend, partner, or spouse). Some of them are deep, some are light-hearted, others are flirty, and some are even straight-up 🌶 spicy🌶, which means you're guaranteed to find something to fit every mood. Whether you’re having a special date night, chatting via text message, connecting on your anniversary, or grabbing a weekend coffee, with each insightful question, you’ll demonstrate the curiosity that’s crucial to helping you grow closer, says De Los Santos.

Deep Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Want to ask your boyfriend some deep questions? That’s great. De Los Santos says asking your partner about their thoughts, opinions, and experiences is super important because it shows you really want to know what's actually going on in their mind.

  1. What's the earliest memory you remember?

  2. What are your dreams for your future?

  3. What makes you happiest in life?

  4. What do you look for in your friendships?

  5. How do you feel about parenthood?

  6. What is your biggest fear?

  7. Can you tell me what’s on your bucket list?

  8. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

  9. Who are you closest to in life?

  10. What’s your relationship to social media like?

  11. What was your childhood like?

  12. How do you define success for yourself in life?

  13. What’s the story behind your name?

Fun Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

While getting deep is great, it’s also totally fine to keep things light-hearted! You can actually learn a lot from your partner with easy, funny questions too. You never know what they might reveal about your partner’s experiences, inner life, or personality.

  1. What’s your favorite movie of all time?

  2. What song do you like to dance to when you’re all alone?

  3. What’s your most embarrassing memory?

  4. If you could have any superpower, what would you pick?

  5. Who was your first celebrity crush and why?

  6. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

  7. What would you do if you won one million dollars?

  8. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

  9. What’s your favorite snack to eat at the movies?

  10. Would you say you’re a night owl or an early bird?

  11. Who’s your favorite athlete of all time?

  12. What do you think is your best trait?

  13. If you could watch one television show all day, what would it be?

Flirty Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Look, if you’re dating someone, having a crush on them is kind of a given! That’s why there’s a chance you’ll want to ask your partner flirty questions, too. These kinds of questions are cute, fun to ask, and they act as a not-so-subtle reminder that you legit like your S.O., which they’ll definitely appreciate.

  1. What’s the best thing about my face?

  2. What’s your favorite outfit that I wear?

  3. When was the first time you realized you liked me?

  4. What’s your favorite inside joke we have?

  5. What’s your favorite color on me?

  6. What were you thinking during our first kiss?

  7. What did you think of me the first time we met?

  8. When was the last time you thought I looked hot?

  9. What’s your favorite activity that we do together?

  10. What do you think is your best physical attribute?

  11. How often do you think about me during the day?

  12. When was the first time you asked someone on a date?

  13. What are your favorite things about dating me?

Spicy Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

And sometimes...you want to take things up a notch. If you’re in a ~spicy~ mood or want to initiate a lil’ hookup between you and your partner, you might want to put one of these hot questions on your radar for the next time you’re horny AF.

  1. What’s your favorite sex position?

  2. What turns you on the most?

  3. What’s your favorite form of foreplay?

  4. Do you have a favorite sex toy?

  5. What’s the sexiest thing about me?

  6. How do you feel about sexting?

  7. What was it like the first time you had sex?

  8. How do you feel about PDA?

  9. What’s your favorite way to masturbate?

  10. Where is the wildest place you’ve ever had sex?

  11. What’s your biggest sexual fantasy?

  12. What would you like to try in the bedroom that we haven’t already?

  13. What’s your favorite thing I do in the bedroom?

Romantic Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Finally, asking questions can also be a way to insert some romance into your relationship. Whether you’re reminiscing about old memories you’ve had together, curious about the way that they see love, or planning for the future, romantic questions are a great way to get a sweet conversation going.

  1. What’s the best date that we’ve ever been on?

  2. What is your love language?

  3. Do you ever dream about me?

  4. How did you know that you were in love with me?

  5. If you believe in marriage, how do you picture your wedding day?

  6. What’s one date you would love to go on that we haven’t yet?

  7. What’s the most romantic gift you’ve ever received?

  8. Who was your first love and why?

  9. If you could take us out to any restaurant, where would we go?

  10. Do I ever give you butterflies?

  11. Have you ever received a love letter?

  12. What’s the best thing about sleeping next to me every night?

  13. What is your favorite thing about being in a relationship?

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