Jonathan Van Ness says he is now 'prioritizing making time to eat' on his binge eating disorder 'healing journey'

Jonathan Van Ness opens up about his binge eating disorder. (Photo: Rich Polk/Getty Images for IMDb)
Jonathan Van Ness opens up about his binge eating disorder. (Photo: Rich Polk/Getty Images for IMDb)

Jonathan Van Ness is sharing his struggles with binge eating disorder.

The Queer Eye star, 35, took to Instagram to post a video of himself in a split screen, doing a gymnastics routine. On the left, the hairstylist struggled with the landing, while in the right video, he significantly improved.

“Always been a hot & sexy slut but have also been struggling with binge eating disorder at the same time for a very long time,” Van Ness shared in the caption. “In April after years of feeling out of control with food I got help. Gymnastics is a huge source of joy for me, and I want to do it for as long and safely as possible. It's been so interesting because I now prioritize making time to eat, planning to eat & actually eating. It use to be my lowest priority which would make me so hungry that when I would eat, I would binge.”

Van Ness added that he is now on a “healing journey,” which he is “grateful to be on.”

“I was nervous to talk about it but I feel it's important to share, we are not alone, and it's good to ask for help when you need it,” the TV personality wrote. “I honor my journey, I feel stronger and more in tune with my body and am so happy to have people to help me along the way.”

Van Ness’s followers applauded the candor, with some explaining that they really related to the message. One shared in the comments section, “Currently dealing with a binge eating problem myself. I didn’t realize it was something I’ve been struggling with my entire life until I got sober from alcohol earlier this year. I still have no idea how to fix it or change my ways. It’s still something I’m dealing with. It makes me really happy to see someone like you opening up about it. I don’t feel as alone. Love you so much.”

Another added, “Fellow ED survivor. It is a continuous battle and very difficult. It's very unfortunate that many of us suffer alone but nobody should because there are so many of us willing to love and help. So yea, thank you for sharing your journey with us. Good luck continuing loving you and taking care of you. Whatever that may look like.”

Van Ness has spoken about dealing with disordered eating before. In an interview on The Allure Podcast in 2019, he spoke about how men are often left out of the conversation surrounding body image issues. (Van Ness is non-binary and has previously said of his gender identity in an interview with Out: "[S]ome days I feel like a man, but then other days I feel like a woman.”)

“We talk about body shaming, body positivity and what the female gender encounters in that realm,” he explained to Allure’s editor-in-chief Michelle Lee. “I think in the male side that is not talked about quite as much, and I know I was severely impacted by that my whole life.”

He added that these issues led to “eating disorders, [and a] weird relationship with food, for sure.”

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