Jolin Tsai shares tip on how to be confident

24 Oct - From the girl-next-door to Asian pop diva, it has been 18 years since Jolin Tsai joined Taiwan's music industry. Aside from her singing and dancing talents, she is also known for her determination and refusal to accept anything short of perfection.

But according to the singer, just like almost everybody, there was a time that she hated herself. Jolin shared that at the time, all she wanted to do is to prove herself to the outside world, but found herself lost amid public opinion about her.

"I found out that even I do not like myself. That's when I realised that [it doesn't matter what people say]. I began to put myself first, and no longer get affected by the words of others," she said, according to Liberty Times Net.

Jolin also stated that she had since learned not to listen to all the negativity.

"I always encourage fans not to be too concerned about people's opinion. The most important thing is to know yourself. For me, especially, it is easy to be misunderstood when you're in showbiz," she added.

The singer also shared a tip on how to build one's confidence.

"Write every day to yourself, "Today, we did something commendable..." It will slowly build up to your own advantage, like a steel wall," she said.

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