Johor Bahru’s 27-year-old traditional handmade rice dumplings, perfect for Dragon Boat Festival

As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches (10 Jun), we can’t miss out on eating zong zi (rice dumpling)! If you’re wondering where to get some, we have the perfect recommendation for you— check out Sin Katong Rice Dumpling in JB! This renowned brand is located at Johor Jaya and boasts over 20 years of legacy.

Sin Katong Rice Dumpling

Established in 1997, Sin Katong Rice Dumpling has been dedicated to preserving the heritage of traditional F&B culture. This specialty shop aims to serve zong zi that evokes a sense of home, with a taste reminiscent of homemade dumplings.

Sin Katong Rice Dumpling - Nonya Rice Dumpling

Over the years, they have expanded their menu to offer up to 8 flavours of zong zi to choose from. For those who appreciate classic flavours, check out their Nyonya Rice Dumpling (RM10), featuring a unique blend of Nyonya spices and their secret recipe, as well as Kee Chang (RM14 for 5 pieces), traditional dumpling made with lye water and glutinous rice known for its chewy and bouncy texture.

Sin Katong Rice Dumpling - White Bean Rice Dumpling

To add some spice to your meal, indulge in the Dried Chilly Shrimp Rice Dumpling (RM10). Alternatively, explore their premium selections featuring salted egg yolks. Opt for White Bean Rice Dumpling (RM10.50), filled with generous portion of black-eyed peas, superior pork, and salted egg, or try the Cantonese Tau Chang (RM10.50), which combines egg yolk with the flavours of Cantonese-style mung bean.

They also offer Salted Hokkien Rice Dumpling in 2 varieties: one without egg yolk priced at RM10, and the version with egg yolk comes at RM11.

Let’s celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival with these traditional zong zi!

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