John Bonham's Son Apologizes For Telling That F*cked Up Story About Led Zeppelin

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Photo credit: Getty

From Esquire

Last week, John Bonham's son told a pretty fucked up anecdote about his younger days with Led Zeppelin in an interview with Howard Stern. Talking about the first time he did cocaine while hanging out with the band in 1983, Jason Bonham said on Stern's Sirius XM radio show:

“Jimmy was the first one to ever give it to me. We got called to his room. … I was 16 at this point, and there was a woman on the floor with a collar on, meowing, and he had this grinder thing … and he turned it over and he went, ‘Here you go,’ and I went, ‘Thanks.’ He’s like, ‘You’ve done this before, right?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, of course I have.' So he handed it over and I just did all of it, and he went, ‘Just like your father-you know, that was supposed to be for all of us.’”

It's a pretty dark anecdote one that certainly makes Page-and the rest of the band-look none too good.

But, one week after telling the story-which caused some backlash online-Jason Bonham has retracted his statement. In an apology posted to his website, Jason Bonham writes:

On or about 9 April 2019 I, Jason Bonham, gave an interview on radio with Howard Stern (the Interview). In that interview I made certain untrue and derogatory statements concerning Mr. James Page (pka Jimmy Page) of the legendary band Led Zeppelin.

I unconditionally retract all derogatory and defamatory comments relating to Mr. J Page that I made in that interview. In particular it is wholly untrue that Mr. J Page offered me any illegal substances either when I was a minor or at all. I apologise to Mr. Page, unreservedly, for making these unfounded and untrue comments about him. Out of my long held respect for Mr. Page I will make no further comments on the Interview and I agree to make no further comments which Mr. Page might view as disparaging, either now or in the future.

It's unclear why Jason Bonham told that story in the first place or why he decided now to issue an apology.

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