Joanna Gaines Just Shared a Hilarious Clip of Chip Wiping Out

Every relationship thrives on balance: One puts up the Christmas decorations, the other makes the hot chocolate. One does the dishes, the other takes out the trash and recycling. In Chip and Joanna Gaines's case, Joanna is the one who keeps a cool head, Chip is the one who goofs around—and we are the ones who love watching the pair do their thing. Chip's latest gag was captured during Fixer Upper: The Hotel, and fans are having a field day with it in the comments of the Magnolia Network's Instagram post. In the clip, Chip is doing his best high-knee drill through the not-yet-finished wooden foundation at the build site of Hotel 1928 —quite impressively, might we add—before falling hard on the planks.

This isn't the first time Chip has toppled over on TV, and we're sure it won't be the last. Joanna, like everyone else who watched the Reel, found the moment hilarious. She of course asks if he's okay (through her laughter), and then describes Chip as going from Tom Brady to Chris Farley in a matter of seconds. Chip happily agrees with the sentiment. "If Tom Brady and Chris Farley had a baby, it'd be Chip freakin' Gaines," he added.

Joanna even shared the network's post to her Instagram story, adding, "I watched this part over and over 😂," and we can't say we blame her. Some of the comments are as funny as the clip itself, with one person writing, "I’ve watched this over and over and it just gets funnier each time. He even pulled a Homer Simpson with the “doh!”" Another fan quipped, "My ankles hurt watching this 😂." Fans also called out Joanna's reaction: "Love how unimpressed Joanna was, this made me laugh and laugh. I was watching it in bed, woke my husband I was laughing so hard! 😂."

While it sure looked painful, Chip comes out of the fall with only some scratches on his elbow, and we'd guess a bruised shoulder. But one things fan love most about the father of five is he never comes out of these situations with a bruised ego.

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