JK Rowling: ‘Lord Voldemort Is Nowhere Near As Bad As Donald Trump’

Ooft, everybody needs to step aside because JK Rowling has just given the greatest insult of 2015 after saying that US politician Donald Trump was worse, worse, than the villain of her entire Harry Potter series: Voldemort.

Erm, we mean, he-who-must-not-be-named.

Basically it all went down when the BBC posted an article that explained why some Harry Potter fans were taking to Twitter to compare the Republican presidential hopeful to the no-nosed antagonist.

Trump is unpopular for his incredibly right-wing and anti-Muslim views, with him recently vowing to have a complete shutdown on US borders until authorities can “figure out what the hell is going on” and if Muslims pose a threat to the US.

Clearly not a fan of he politician, JK Rowling retweeted the BBC’s article and added: “How horrible. Voldemort was nowhere near as bad.”

Obviously it didn’t take long for fans of the author to take to their own social media accounts to praise Rowling for her comment - with the tweet amassing over 4,000 retweets in just ten minutes: