Jiang Cantonese Tapas Restaurant & Bar: Hidden gem serving XO carrot cake & lunch sets like luncheon meat instant noodles from $6.80

Jiang Cantonese Tapas Restaurant & Bar at Ascent @ 456 condominium along 456 Balestier Road may sound like an upscale dining establishment with high prices. However, contrary to that perception, this hidden gem of a Cantonese-Asian place offers an affordable to mid-tier dining experience.

jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant front
jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant front

This 2-year-old eatery came highly recommended by my uncle, who stumbled upon it while waiting for a client. Intrigued by his approval, I felt compelled to visit and experience it for myself.

jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant interior
jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant interior

Upon entering, you’ll be welcomed by a cosy dining area to the left, featuring approximately 4 tables and a bar which creates an ambience reminiscent of a Hong Kong-style eatery.

jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant basement
jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant basement

My eyes were intrigued by the word ‘BASEMENT’ to the right and heading below was the right choice. It was an exclusive dining space with a single frosted glass ceiling, which allowed ample sunlight to illuminate the entire place if you’re there during the day. To some (like myself), it may even look like a secret dungeon.

Our surprise mounted as we observed shadows moving past, leading us to the realisation that we were directly beneath a pedestrian path— how cool is that?

jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant wall
jiang cantonese tapas - restaurant wall

The walls were adorned with numerous snippets from the film ‘2046’, a Hong Kong movie set in the 1960s with elements of science fiction starring Zhang Ziyi and Tony Leung Chiu-wai. It took owner, Aaron Tan (coincidentally sharing both my first and last name), 3 days to complete the project.

The airwaves resonated with the tunes of Cantonese songs, some of which were recognisable from the movie ‘Young and Dangerous,’ more affectionately known as ‘Gu Wak Zai‘ in my books.

Every small detail had brought me closer to the sensation of dining in downtown Hong Kong itself.

What I tried at Jiang Cantonese Tapas Restaurant & Bar

jiang cantonese tapas - luncheon meat instant noodles
jiang cantonese tapas - luncheon meat instant noodles

To start things off, I tried one of the Lunch Set Specials, the dry Luncheon Meat Fried Egg Instant Noodles (S$6.80). The mound of noodles was accompanied by a perfect sunny-side up, 2 pieces of luncheon meat and green veggies.

jiang cantonese tapas -noodle closeup
jiang cantonese tapas -noodle closeup

A pool of soya-based sauce gathered at the base of the noodles, prompting me to delicately toss and integrate it with every strand. While the texture offered a satisfying bite, and the taste was acceptable, I felt something was missing.

jiang cantonese tapas -adding chilli
jiang cantonese tapas -adding chilli

A bottle of homemade chilli rested on the table, and I opted to complement it with the noodles. The chilli flakes within were not only crunchy and aromatic but also packed a spicy punch. This propelled the satisfaction level from a 5 to a resounding 9— finally, the noodle tasted complete!

jiang cantonese tapas -luncheon meat
jiang cantonese tapas -luncheon meat

The duo of luncheon meat pieces didn’t consist of thinly-sliced, meagre portions; rather, they were substantial, thick slices that had been deep-fried to perfection.

jiang cantonese tapas -XO Carrot Cake
jiang cantonese tapas -XO Carrot Cake

I was esctatic when I spotted XO Carrot Cake (S$10.80) on the menu, one of my favourite dishes of all time. The cubes of golden-brown charred radish cake were stir-fried together with tau geh, then garnished with fresh coriander and chilli.

jiang cantonese tapas -XO Carrot Cake closeup
jiang cantonese tapas -XO Carrot Cake closeup

The moment my teeth sank into the first few pieces, the chef’s skill was immediately apparent. Every bite was infused with a rich, smokey wok hei, and the umami essence from the dried shrimps and scallops in the XO concoction was unmistakable. The subtle spiciness of the chilli gradually emerged towards the end.

jiang cantonese tapas -tau geh closeup
jiang cantonese tapas -tau geh closeup

The incorporation of tau geh and chives introduced a lovely contrast in texture to the pillowy cubes of radish. In a word, delicious!

jiang cantonese tapas - oyster runny omelette
jiang cantonese tapas - oyster runny omelette

Our final dish, the Oyster Runny Omelette (S$15.80) was recommended by Aaron.

jiang cantonese tapas - oyster closeup
jiang cantonese tapas - oyster closeup

I had counted that there were 10 oysters resting atop the egg. Each piece was plump, juicy and tasted fresh. The egg, skillfully cooked to a medium doneness, contributed to a luscious, runny centre, enhancing the overall richness of the combination.

jiang cantonese tapas - chilli dip
jiang cantonese tapas - chilli dip

Be sure to pair it with the homemade chilli served on the side. It burst with refreshingly-tangy notes of lime, perfectly balanced with just the right amount of spice— truly a delightful pick-me-up on a lazy, rainy Thursday afternoon.

Final thoughts

jiang cantonese tapas - overview
jiang cantonese tapas - overview

Jiang Cantonese Tapas Restaurant & Bar is unquestionably a destination worth exploring if you seek a leisurely-dining environment to savour Cantonese-Asian dishes while reconnecting with friends and family.

To locate this somewhat elusive restaurant, keep an eye out for the SPC petrol station; you’ll find it situated just next door.

Expected damage: S$7.50 – S$22 per pax

Order Delivery: foodpanda

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