Jennifer Lopez Reminisces on the 'Amazing' Time She Took Her Twins on a World Tour — and Gushes Over Italy

The iconic singer shares how her kids became world travelers at age 4 and how her latest business venture, Delola, was inspired by an Italian getaway.

<p>Courtesy of House of Delola</p>

Courtesy of House of Delola

Taking a family vacation with Jennifer Lopez isn't any ordinary trip. In fact, one time, it was a months-long journey around the globe.

“It gave the kids the opportunity to see the world," Lopez told Travel + Leisure of when she took her twins, Max and Emme, along for her 2012 “Dance Again World Tour." "The kids got to see South America, Europe, all over the United States, Asia, and all different places. So they got to see all of this at a very young age and I always thought, 'What an amazing thing to do when you’re only 4 years old.'"

Lopez referred to the global tour as a “family affair” since she was able to share the experience with her mom and kids — who are now teenagers — at the time. The tour included stops in over 50 cities between June and December of that year.

“They came back from that trip saying, ‘Can we go back to Singapore next year?’ Where someone like me, who grew up in the Bronx, never had things like that,” Lopez shared, referencing her childhood in the New York City borough. 

Jennifer Lopez

Window or Aisle Seat?

I’d probably say window.

Favorite Delola Cocktail?

It changes! At first, I liked the tequila one because it was sweet but not bitter and had the grapefruit in it and it was perfect for me. Now that the holidays are approaching I’ve been more into the Bella Berry and the L’Orange.

Best Spot to Visti in Italy?

I love Sorrento, Capri, Revello, those types of places.

An Item You Can’t Travel Without?


Favorite Airplane Snack?

I’m not a big snacky person. I really enjoy having my meals.

The singer, whose work ethic has been evident through her decades long career of hit songs, films, and beauty products, was ironically inspired for her latest business venture — cocktail brand Delola — while relaxing.

"I’m not a big vacation person to begin with, it’s always been work, work, work," she explained. "When I finally went to spend a couple of summers in a row in the south of Italy, I really, really loved it. I was like, 'Oh my God, is this what I’ve been missing my whole life?'"

"It was just a lifestyle there that was much more relaxed and I tried a spritz," she added, explaining that when she was initially approached to create a version of the drink herself, she wasn't completely on board just yet. But when the time was right, earlier this year, Lopez made sure the product aligned with her healthy lifestyle as it's lower in alcohol and calorie content and gluten free.

The cocktail collection is complete with 3 flavors: tequila-based Paloma Rosa, vodka-based Bella Berry, and amaro-based L’Orange.

Courtesy of Delola
Courtesy of Delola

And while a spritz in such a dreamy setting can help anyone relax, for the iconic artist, a break in such a beautiful place is the ultimate R&R.

“I just love being on the water, to be honest. I feel like the water is really something that calms me. I can actually sit still and stare at the ocean and at the sky,” she said. “I like just being right there on the coast is beautiful and eating outside and enjoying the fresh air. I think it’s because I’m always inside at the studios and sets, recording sessions inside, that being outside is like a luxury for me."

Contrarily, another luxury for the "On the Floor" singer is time at home, which is where she'll be for the holidays this year.

“My family [members] are big holiday people. We love Thanksgiving and Christmas, it was always a big deal in our house and we’re going to spend it together,” Lopez said, adding that her family’s plans include watching movies, cooking, eating, and playing games. “Hopefully a lot of laughs, [and] catching up on each other’s lives because we’re all so busy.”

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