Jacob Elordi Just Massively Dissed the 'Kissing Booth' Movies, I Fear

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Jacob Elordi Massively Dissed 'The Kissing Booth'NBC - Getty Images

Despite The Kissing Booth being one of the most charming rom-coms Netflix has gifted society in recent years, the movie's—nay FILM'S—leading actor Jacob Elordi is just not that into it.

Speaking to GQ and simply not holding back, Jacob said "I didn't want to make those movies before I made those movies. Those movies are ridiculous. They're not universal. They're an escape."

Hmmm to each their own, but one might argue that escapism is one of the main reasons to sit down for a movie and/or TV show. Nevertheless! It's simply not for Jacob, who says he's not here for the "one for them, one for me" rule of thumb when it comes to picking roles.

"That one’s a trap as well. Because it can become 15 for them, none for you," he said. "You have no original ideas and you're dead inside. So, it's a fine dance. My ‘one for them,' I've done it."

Jacob then added, “That’s probably why I’m so happy, because now judgment and comments on the internet and stuff, it’s… I’m in the movie now.”

Kay! Anyway, Jacob also hit back about claims that he's pretentious, saying “How is caring about your output pretentious?” But not caring, and knowingly feeding people shit, knowing that you’re making money off of people’s time, which is literally the most valuable thing that they have. How is that the cool thing?”

Fair enough!

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