Ivy Shao not affected by lack of mention by Wu Kang-ren

29 Nov - Ivy Shao is not at all affected by the lack of mention by boyfriend Wu Kang-ren during his speech at the Golden Horse Awards.

The actress, who shed a tear of happiness at seeing Wu on stage to win his first ever Best Actor award for "Abang Adik", told the media that she understood that it must have been overwhelming for him to go on stage to accept his accolade.

"He said that his legs were weak during the speech and he forgot to thank me. I understand his situation," she said.

Ivy then added that Wu already thanked her every day, and that they met after the event and hugged each other.

The actor was overwhelmed with emotion when he won the accolade
The actor was overwhelmed with emotion when he won the accolade

On the other hand, Wu himself stated that he is always thankful to the actress who has always been supportive of him, and even took care of his cat while he was staying in Malaysia for a month to shoot the movie.

In his speech, the actor thanked his co-star Jack Tan for being there for him while he was working in Malaysia, as well as director Jin Ong and producer Angelica Lee for giving him the opportunity to star in the movie.

(Photo Source: Ivy Shao IG, Wu Kang Ren FB)