Investigators want Johnny & Associates president to step down



1 Sep – An independent committee hired to investigate allegations of sexual abuse against the late Japanese entertainment mogul Johnny Kitagawa is recommending that the current president of Johnny & Associates, Julie K. Fujishima to step down.

As reported on Mingpao, in a recent press conference held to report the findings, the team's chairperson and former Prosecutor General Hayashi Makoto stated, "Our special team recognised that Johnny sexually assaulted a number of minors, including 'Johnny's Junior' trainees, at locations including his home, training camps, and hotels while on tour."

The investigation report found that the four main reasons leading to the sexual assaults include Johnny 's abnormal sexual fetishes, the late honorary president Mary Kitagawa's indifference and even cover-up of the facts, the refusal of Johnny & Associates to take corresponding actions, and the conflict between the victims and the perpetrator's power structure relationships. The report also criticised the firm for never taking appropriate measures to stop the incidents in the face of external doubts.


 Julie Fujishima has been asked to step down as president of the talent management company
Julie Fujishima has been asked to step down as president of the talent management company


In order to prevent a recurrence of the tragedy, the investigative team recommended that the firm admit the fact of Johnny's sexual assaults, sincerely apologise and compensate the victims.

It also stated that it is necessary for the company to change the management, and believed that the current president, Julie Keiko Fujishima, who is also the daughter of Mary Kitagawa and niece of Johnny, should resign.

"We think Johnny & Associates needs to replace the person at the top of the organisation in order to make a fresh start. We are demanding that Julie resign as representative director," he added.

It is noted that the team interviewed 23 alleged victims that include former backup dancers known as Johnny's Juniors who were mostly teenagers. The youngest victim, they said, was only 13 years old.


Kauan Okamoto previously held a press conference to accuse Johnny Kitagawa of sexual abuse
Kauan Okamoto previously held a press conference to accuse Johnny Kitagawa of sexual abuse


(Photo Source: Japan Times, Mingpao)